AI Empowered Audio-to-MIDI conversion

Lead Participant: ESPRESSIVO LTD.


Music creators who prefer to compose by playing an acoustic instrument instead of using music notation or a MIDI instrument with a digital audio workstation (DAW) often encounter challenges in converting their audio recordings into MIDI data. The current technologies for Audio-to-MIDI conversion are often unreliable, particularly for complex musical compositions, and the process of correcting errors can be both time-consuming and tedious. This difficulty prevents professional and amateur composers, producers, and music educators from taking full advantage of the many tools and resources offered by the music production software industry. For example, many software packages feature automated accompaniment and harmonization tools, which are made far less useful if the audio track is not converted to a MIDI format.

We have developed a self-correcting machine learning application that can accurately convert Audio to MIDI, regardless of the complexity, tempo, or instrumentation used. The goal of our proposed project is to make our technology available to all by creating a professional plugin.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ESPRESSIVO LTD. £49,655 £ 49,655




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