Biofuel-fed solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) lifetime: experimental and modelling investigation of SOFC longevity under biofuel impurities and thermal cyc

Lead Research Organisation: Aston University
Department Name: College of Engineering and Physical Sci


The UK government aims an ambitious target of 78% emission reduction by 2035 compared to 1990. The hydrogen produced through renewable sources such as biomass plays a key role in realising this target. Hydrogen storage and transport is currently challenging. In addition, the hydrogen quality concern must be taken into account. A promising solution is conversion of this fuel in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) to heat and power. The SOFC possesses unique features such as being the most efficient device for the conversion of chemical energy to power. This project aims to investigate the gasification product (syngas) as a promising fuel for SOFC. The main focus of project is estimation and improvement of SOFC longevity when fuelled by syngas from a biomass gasification system. To achieve this, high-tech experimental facilities will be used to generate Big Data for SOFC lifetime. Gathering of data will be achieved via relevant characterisation equipment and techniques. It will be achieved by deploying an experimental framework and shortlisting operating scenarios that simulate the real-life operations. This will be used for the development of a novel SOFC longevity model with application in electrolyser technology. It also allows to investigate other potential biofuels and their impact on fuel cell. The outcome of this project will provide an accurate model with the capability for consistent development, reducing time and costs of fuel cell development, contributing massively towards the UK emissions targets of 2030.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/T518128/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2025
2601642 Studentship EP/T518128/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Clyde-Theodore Batista