Data4Sustain - integration of data to facilitate renewable energy technology use within urban environments
Lead Research Organisation:
British Geological Survey
Department Name: Environmental Modelling
The Data4Sustain feasibility study integrate environmental data into a prototype webGIS decision-support tool for renewable energy technology selection in urban development and redevelopment projects. Each data source will be processed in a way that adds value. Customers of the webGIS platform comprise house builders, developers and their advisors, local authorities, community groups and businesses. At least one dataset will be crowdsourced, as proof-of-concept to showcase its value and practicality. When Data4Sustain is market ready, it is intended that it will be available via professional subscription. A free low resolution product will also be made available for the general public. Data4Sustain will be designed to be modular and capable of including new data sources as they arise. Outputs of this feasibility stage will include an evaluation of the availability, limitations and applicability of each dataset measured against cost, usability, relevance, potential for added value; a prototype built for local authority use to evaluate how well it works; and a refined business model for bringing the product to market.
Planned Impact
The Data4Sustain project will provide significant impacts to the sustainable energy community which are described below. The impacts will be delivered through the creation of an innovative big data platform that is capable of storing and processing amalgamated location based data sets both open/crowd sourced and those owned by the BGS. The platform will enable the visualisation of complex above and below ground spatio-temporal datasets that will produce a novel and substantial decision making tool for operators in the sustainable / renewable markets. The impacts will be wide ranging influencing local councils, planning authorities, developers as some specific examples, with wider societal benefits.
Furthermore, advances in location-based data collection technologies and the rapid reduction in their costs are providing a vast and continuously increasing amount of data about the movement of people, energy, goods and transportation systems across the globe. However, the explosive growth of geospatially-referenced data has far outpaced the capability of the technology to analyse and transform the data into insightful information for discovering spatio-temporal patterns in massive movement data. This general lack of effective and easy to use geovisualisation analytics tools, available as web or cloud based client driven applications therefore creates an adverse impact on the return on the investment made to collect and manage these data.
The outcomes of this project will be of interest to a range of stakeholders across a variety of sectors including: business, academia, government (including local and regional authorities), and citizens' organisations. A number of these stakeholders are already engaged directly thorough the networks accessed by LQM/NGI/BGS/NEP as demonstrated by the commitment to the project by Derby City Council.
The major impact to the sustainable energy communities will be the demonstration of the feasibility and value of new data visualisation technology for interpreting and gaining insights from 'big' data sets outlined above. Good visualisation of data leads to a better understanding of situations, increased and enhanced clarity and thereby underpins the propensity for better and faster decision making. It enables the users to gain a more complete and easily interpretable understanding of scenarios.
The presence of a new renewable feasibility assessment decision-support tool and the associated improvements in decision-making will, following commercialisation, lead to reductions in carbon emissions and increased revenue for organisations and households from the use of the technologies. Overall, these benefits culminate in moving society toward sustainable development of urban areas, with clear social, environmental and economic gains for present and future generations, enhanced by the latest in data science and information technologies.
Furthermore, advances in location-based data collection technologies and the rapid reduction in their costs are providing a vast and continuously increasing amount of data about the movement of people, energy, goods and transportation systems across the globe. However, the explosive growth of geospatially-referenced data has far outpaced the capability of the technology to analyse and transform the data into insightful information for discovering spatio-temporal patterns in massive movement data. This general lack of effective and easy to use geovisualisation analytics tools, available as web or cloud based client driven applications therefore creates an adverse impact on the return on the investment made to collect and manage these data.
The outcomes of this project will be of interest to a range of stakeholders across a variety of sectors including: business, academia, government (including local and regional authorities), and citizens' organisations. A number of these stakeholders are already engaged directly thorough the networks accessed by LQM/NGI/BGS/NEP as demonstrated by the commitment to the project by Derby City Council.
The major impact to the sustainable energy communities will be the demonstration of the feasibility and value of new data visualisation technology for interpreting and gaining insights from 'big' data sets outlined above. Good visualisation of data leads to a better understanding of situations, increased and enhanced clarity and thereby underpins the propensity for better and faster decision making. It enables the users to gain a more complete and easily interpretable understanding of scenarios.
The presence of a new renewable feasibility assessment decision-support tool and the associated improvements in decision-making will, following commercialisation, lead to reductions in carbon emissions and increased revenue for organisations and households from the use of the technologies. Overall, these benefits culminate in moving society toward sustainable development of urban areas, with clear social, environmental and economic gains for present and future generations, enhanced by the latest in data science and information technologies.
- British Geological Survey (Lead Research Organisation)
- Positive Homes (Collaboration)
- NEP Energy Service Ltd (Collaboration)
- University of Nottingham (Project Partner)
- Derby City Council (Project Partner)
- Land Quality Management Ltd (Project Partner)
- Nottingham Energy Partnership (Project Partner)

Beriro D
A decision support system to assess the feasibility of onshore renewable energy infrastructure
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Description | The research found that spatial data can be used to effectively identify suitable locations for a range of renewable energy technologies. During the project the incumbent Government removed and reduced a large number of the fiscal incentives available to developers, land owners and other renewables stakeholder, rendering a the tool we created much less useful that it could have been. We remain hopeful that new policies may change this finding and provide new interest for our work, sufficient to take it forward to a full commercial product in time. |
Exploitation Route | The proof of concept can be used to inform new business case for developing renewable resources in the UK and abroad, using the methodology developed as part of this research project. |
Sectors | Construction Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Energy Environment |
URL | |
Description | The findings have enable to the business lead to become more competitive in their market due to their improved skill sets in decision support tool design and implementation. The business now offers GIS training and has increased the application of GIS in its core business, brownfield redevelopment. |
First Year Of Impact | 2018 |
Sector | Construction,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Energy,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice |
Impact Types | Economic Policy & public services |
Description | NERC Follow-on Fund |
Amount | £15,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 06/2017 |
Title | Spatial decision support tool |
Description | A spatial decision support method to process multiple datasets, combined and evaluated using multi-criteria decision analysis. This new capability is being applied and enhanced by new BGS projects. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2016 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | New spatial decision support tool being developed for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. |
Description | Data4Sustain - GIS spatial decision support tool for evaluating feasibility of seven renewable energy technologies |
Organisation | Land Quality Management Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative feasibility study funding by Innovate UK in 2015 (pre-award) under the Solving Urban Challenges with Data call. Land Quality Management, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham (National Geospatial Institute) and Nottingham Energy Services Ltd were paid partners who have delivered parts of wholes of work packages. The remaining partners assist in-kind to provide an end user perspective on the outputs of the project. BGS provided geoscience and spatial data expertise. We provided a range of sub-surface data, developed geospatial processing methodologies and delivered a functional webGIS portal for the feasibility tool. I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Collaborator Contribution | BGS - geoscience and spatial data expertise LQM - business consultancy and project management UoN - environmental science and spatial data expertise NEP - renewable energy experts Positive Homes - house builder Financial contributions in-kind and technical contributions based on the skills held by each organisation. |
Impact | Spatial decision support tool presented as webGIS for evaluating the feasibility of 7 different renewable energy technologies using technical and environmental data on above and below ground constraints e.g. geology affects foundation design of large wind turbines. Multi-disciplinary involving renewable energy specialists, business consultants, environmental scientists, geoscientists, spatial data experts and house building. These outputs are pre-award but I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Data4Sustain - GIS spatial decision support tool for evaluating feasibility of seven renewable energy technologies |
Organisation | NEP Energy Service Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative feasibility study funding by Innovate UK in 2015 (pre-award) under the Solving Urban Challenges with Data call. Land Quality Management, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham (National Geospatial Institute) and Nottingham Energy Services Ltd were paid partners who have delivered parts of wholes of work packages. The remaining partners assist in-kind to provide an end user perspective on the outputs of the project. BGS provided geoscience and spatial data expertise. We provided a range of sub-surface data, developed geospatial processing methodologies and delivered a functional webGIS portal for the feasibility tool. I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Collaborator Contribution | BGS - geoscience and spatial data expertise LQM - business consultancy and project management UoN - environmental science and spatial data expertise NEP - renewable energy experts Positive Homes - house builder Financial contributions in-kind and technical contributions based on the skills held by each organisation. |
Impact | Spatial decision support tool presented as webGIS for evaluating the feasibility of 7 different renewable energy technologies using technical and environmental data on above and below ground constraints e.g. geology affects foundation design of large wind turbines. Multi-disciplinary involving renewable energy specialists, business consultants, environmental scientists, geoscientists, spatial data experts and house building. These outputs are pre-award but I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Data4Sustain - GIS spatial decision support tool for evaluating feasibility of seven renewable energy technologies |
Organisation | Positive Homes |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative feasibility study funding by Innovate UK in 2015 (pre-award) under the Solving Urban Challenges with Data call. Land Quality Management, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham (National Geospatial Institute) and Nottingham Energy Services Ltd were paid partners who have delivered parts of wholes of work packages. The remaining partners assist in-kind to provide an end user perspective on the outputs of the project. BGS provided geoscience and spatial data expertise. We provided a range of sub-surface data, developed geospatial processing methodologies and delivered a functional webGIS portal for the feasibility tool. I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Collaborator Contribution | BGS - geoscience and spatial data expertise LQM - business consultancy and project management UoN - environmental science and spatial data expertise NEP - renewable energy experts Positive Homes - house builder Financial contributions in-kind and technical contributions based on the skills held by each organisation. |
Impact | Spatial decision support tool presented as webGIS for evaluating the feasibility of 7 different renewable energy technologies using technical and environmental data on above and below ground constraints e.g. geology affects foundation design of large wind turbines. Multi-disciplinary involving renewable energy specialists, business consultants, environmental scientists, geoscientists, spatial data experts and house building. These outputs are pre-award but I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Data4Sustain - GIS spatial decision support tool for evaluating feasibility of seven renewable energy technologies |
Organisation | University of Nottingham |
Department | Estates Office |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative feasibility study funding by Innovate UK in 2015 (pre-award) under the Solving Urban Challenges with Data call. Land Quality Management, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham (National Geospatial Institute) and Nottingham Energy Services Ltd were paid partners who have delivered parts of wholes of work packages. The remaining partners assist in-kind to provide an end user perspective on the outputs of the project. BGS provided geoscience and spatial data expertise. We provided a range of sub-surface data, developed geospatial processing methodologies and delivered a functional webGIS portal for the feasibility tool. I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Collaborator Contribution | BGS - geoscience and spatial data expertise LQM - business consultancy and project management UoN - environmental science and spatial data expertise NEP - renewable energy experts Positive Homes - house builder Financial contributions in-kind and technical contributions based on the skills held by each organisation. |
Impact | Spatial decision support tool presented as webGIS for evaluating the feasibility of 7 different renewable energy technologies using technical and environmental data on above and below ground constraints e.g. geology affects foundation design of large wind turbines. Multi-disciplinary involving renewable energy specialists, business consultants, environmental scientists, geoscientists, spatial data experts and house building. These outputs are pre-award but I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Data4Sustain - GIS spatial decision support tool for evaluating feasibility of seven renewable energy technologies |
Organisation | University of Nottingham |
Department | Nottingham Geospatial Institute |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative feasibility study funding by Innovate UK in 2015 (pre-award) under the Solving Urban Challenges with Data call. Land Quality Management, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham (National Geospatial Institute) and Nottingham Energy Services Ltd were paid partners who have delivered parts of wholes of work packages. The remaining partners assist in-kind to provide an end user perspective on the outputs of the project. BGS provided geoscience and spatial data expertise. We provided a range of sub-surface data, developed geospatial processing methodologies and delivered a functional webGIS portal for the feasibility tool. I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Collaborator Contribution | BGS - geoscience and spatial data expertise LQM - business consultancy and project management UoN - environmental science and spatial data expertise NEP - renewable energy experts Positive Homes - house builder Financial contributions in-kind and technical contributions based on the skills held by each organisation. |
Impact | Spatial decision support tool presented as webGIS for evaluating the feasibility of 7 different renewable energy technologies using technical and environmental data on above and below ground constraints e.g. geology affects foundation design of large wind turbines. Multi-disciplinary involving renewable energy specialists, business consultants, environmental scientists, geoscientists, spatial data experts and house building. These outputs are pre-award but I am using my Fellowship work on realising the benefits and impact from the project. |
Start Year | 2015 |