Commercialising thermo-stable rapeseed oil for the bio-lubricants industry
Lead Research Organisation:
University of York
Department Name: Biology
Oilseed rape is the UK's third largest crop. As well as being edible, rapeseed oil is used extensively in biodiesel. There is potential for higher-value industrial uses, for example in applications such as lubricants and hydraulic fluids, to which it brings advantages of low toxicity and biodegradability. However, rapeseed oil is thermally unstable, due to a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Recent advances in predictive mutation breeding have led to the development of oilseed rape lines in which this problem has been solved. To overcome the final hurdle to commercialisation, we aim to characterise temperature responses in controlled environments of a range of these lines and investigate more closely the agronomy of these new varieties through field trials, to maximise oil content and seed yield Whilst doing this, we will produce sufficient quantities of the new types of rapeseed oil to distribute to commercial users for evaluation.
Technical Summary
Supported by management and dissemination activities, the project is structured into four Work Packages, each mapping onto one of the four primary aims of the project:
WP1 Optimisation of agronomy based on field trials.
Six lines of rapeseed with much reduced polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, but with differing amounts and proportions of the main PUFAs, will be used in a series of field trials in the UK to enable optimisation of agronomic practice (e.g. sowing date, optimum nitrogen and fungicide input together with soil type suitability).
WP2 Purification of novel oil types for industry evaluation.
Oil will be purified and refined from bulk seeds of the six rapeseed lines. Seed will be available (~100 kg) at the beginning of the project for the optimisation of oil extraction and refining on a small scale. These protocols will then be used to produce oil for distribution to potential users of the oil (up to 100 litres).
WP3 Understanding the temperature responses of the new crop type.
All six oilseed rape lines, plus additional lines from UoY, will be grown in pots in controlled environment cabinets to subject the plants to soil temperatures that are likely to be encountered in UK winter condition. Germplasm screens will also be undertaken, if appropriate, to identify sources of variation for root cold tolerance.
WP4 Identification of molecular markers for marker-assisted breeding.
A genetic diversity panel (ASSYST panel) that is being subjected to functional genotyping will be exploited for the identification of molecular markers associated with variation for traits that might be of relevance for performance of the new crop type. These include root architecture and seedling vigour analysis using trait data from various project and, if appropriate, root cold tolerance.
WP1 Optimisation of agronomy based on field trials.
Six lines of rapeseed with much reduced polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, but with differing amounts and proportions of the main PUFAs, will be used in a series of field trials in the UK to enable optimisation of agronomic practice (e.g. sowing date, optimum nitrogen and fungicide input together with soil type suitability).
WP2 Purification of novel oil types for industry evaluation.
Oil will be purified and refined from bulk seeds of the six rapeseed lines. Seed will be available (~100 kg) at the beginning of the project for the optimisation of oil extraction and refining on a small scale. These protocols will then be used to produce oil for distribution to potential users of the oil (up to 100 litres).
WP3 Understanding the temperature responses of the new crop type.
All six oilseed rape lines, plus additional lines from UoY, will be grown in pots in controlled environment cabinets to subject the plants to soil temperatures that are likely to be encountered in UK winter condition. Germplasm screens will also be undertaken, if appropriate, to identify sources of variation for root cold tolerance.
WP4 Identification of molecular markers for marker-assisted breeding.
A genetic diversity panel (ASSYST panel) that is being subjected to functional genotyping will be exploited for the identification of molecular markers associated with variation for traits that might be of relevance for performance of the new crop type. These include root architecture and seedling vigour analysis using trait data from various project and, if appropriate, root cold tolerance.
Planned Impact
As described in proposal submitted to IUK
People |
Ian Bancroft (Principal Investigator) |

Kaur H
The impact of reducing fatty acid desaturation on the composition and thermal stability of rapeseed oil.
in Plant biotechnology journal
Description | Rapeseed oil that has a very low content of polyunsaturated fatty acids shows more than the predicted increase in thermal stability. Assessment in growth chanbers suggested that cold tolerance of the lines producing this type of oil is not impaired. Later generations have now been grown in environments with cold winters (Poland, Czech) and survive with no problem. The growth vigor of the lines producing this type of oil is impaired in early generations but recovers to some extent with selection, but remains a little poorer than elite rapeseed varieties. Recent discussions indicate that the oil is likely to have improved processing properties for the food industry. |
Exploitation Route | The findings will be taken forward by the rapeseed breeding industry. This will be done by crossing the plant lines developed during the project with elite cultivars and selecting material with both the improved trait and good agronomic performance. If successful cultivars can be developed, the downstream industry who will benefit initially are farmers and seed crushers. End users would include both industry and the general public, after processing of the oil into formulations of renewable lubricants and hydraulic fluids, for example in sensitive environments such as marine and forestry, but also ethical domestic. It is also likely that the processing quality of oils for food will be improved. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Chemicals Environment Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Transport |
Description | The findings are being used to enable commercial licensing of novel Brassica napus germplasm to support the breeding of oilseed rape varieties producing oil with increased thermal stability and to develop business plan for commercial exploitation. A rapeseed variety based on this work (HOLP101) is now listed and available for commercial cultivation in the EU. A company has been established to exploit the results (Nuspec Oil Ltd) and has raised ~£500k of investment to date. |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink |
Impact Types | Economic |
Description | Improving the Nutritional Quality of Rapeseed Oil |
Amount | £723,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2020 |
End | 03/2023 |
Description | Low progoitrin food grade rapeseed |
Amount | £319,567 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/S004823/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2019 |
End | 03/2021 |
Description | Assessment of oil properties (Brad-Chem) |
Organisation | Brad-chem Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Bancroft group provided sample of novel high oleic and low polyunsaturated oil for tests. |
Collaborator Contribution | Brad-chem analysed samples of high oleic oil with different additive packages. Positive results from the analysis were obtained indicating that the additive packages improve the oxidative stability of the UoY oils more than conventional oils. |
Impact | n/a |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Assessment of oil properties (Croda) |
Organisation | Croda International |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Bancroft group provided samples of high erucic and low polyunsaturated oil (HELP) developed by Prof. Bancroft group. |
Collaborator Contribution | Croda tested samples of novel oil types, provided feedback, indicated needs and requirments. |
Impact | Discussion undergoing for commercialisation of HELP varieties with partnerships with Elsoms, Frontiers Agriculture and Croda. Potential for forming spin-out. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Assessment of oil properties (Vickers) |
Organisation | Vickers Oils |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Bancroft group provided samples of novel oil types for assessment. |
Collaborator Contribution | Vickers Oils analysed samples of UoY novel oils in different formulations. Valuable assessment of oil samples and guidance in the interpreting results.Suggestions given in regards to application and oil modifications. |
Impact | Vickers Oils indicated they would be interested in collaborating with UoY on further project and advanced based oil in the form of ester. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Company Name | Nuspec Oil |
Description | Nuspec Oil produces an environmentally friendly oil for chemical and lubricant industries. |
Year Established | 2019 |
Impact | Too early to have impacts as trading not yet commenced. |
Website | |