Elucidating how inner mitochondrial membrane remodeling regulates mtDNA quality control

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit


Mitochondria are membrane bound organelle which not only produce the energy required for cellular functions but are also involved in numerous cellular pathways including cell death, calcium homeostasis, inflammation and immunity. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that constantly adapt their shape depending on cellular requirements by two opposing events: fusion and fission. For example, mitochondrial division (fission), which represents the formation of two mitochondria from one entity, is crucial not only for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transmission but also for organelle distribution and movement within the cell. On the other hand, mitochondrial fusion allows the efficient mix of contents of two mitochondria and therefore is considered as a safeguard mechanism that facilitates the complementation of damaged mitochondria. Proper mitochondrial dynamics are essential for cell viability and altered mitochondrial morphology contributes to the pathogenesis of multiple diseases. Thus, deciphering the molecular mechanisms by which mitochondria adapt their shape, and modulating mitochondrial morphology in pathological conditions are currently at the forefront of mitochondrial research.
Mitochondria contain their own circular DNA (mtDNA), whose replication occurs independently of nuclear DNA replication and only encodes a small set of mitochondrial proteins. mtDNA is organized in compacted structures named nucleoids (around 1.4 mtDNA molecules per nucleoid on average), which are physically associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). Therefore, understanding IMM dynamics events are essential to unveil the secrets underlying the self-autonomous regulation of the mitochondrial genome and to unravel the interplay between IMM remodeling and mtDNA levels, a mechanism ensuring a proper mtDNA quality control. Heteroplasmy is a condition where two different mitochondrial genetic backgrounds can be found in a single cell or tissue. Basal heteroplasmy levels, ~1-2% of mutant mtDNA, are found in all humans. However, when the number of copies of mutant mtDNA molecules reach a percentage around 50 to 80% (knows as biochemical threshold), mitochondrial dysfunction will take place leading to decrease energy production and the appearance of clinical manifestations including muscle weakness, movements disorders and hearing and vision defects. The biochemical threshold depends not only on the type of mutation but also on the tissues and cell type affected. Therefore, maintaining a low percentage of mutant mtDNA copies can be an adequate strategy to ameliorate the clinical symptomatology of patients affected by heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations.
In this context, the overall aim of the project is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying IMM conformational changes and to understand how these dynamic shape transitions directly regulate mtDNA content and distribution in both health and disease. To address these fundamental questions, we will (1) define the events governing IMM dynamics by studying a new mechanism controlling IMM compartmentalization, a process allowing the formation of different IMM structures inside one single mitochondrion. We will then (2) investigate how these IMM dynamics are required to isolate mtDNA-containing nucleoids that will be subsequently targeted for degradation. Finally, using different cellular models of heteroplasmy, we will (3) explore how these IMM dynamics could modulate the pools of mutant mtDNA and rescue the biochemical-associated defects. Together, this project will shed light on a new mechanism specifically dedicated to regulate mtDNA quality control. This will not only mark a significant advance in the fundamental understanding of mitochondrial physiology, but will also propose a new paradigm that could open new therapeutic strategies for the modulation of mtDNA distribution and levels in pathological conditions.

Technical Summary

In the past two decades, multiple studies have shown how mitochondria adapt their shape depending on the metabolic context. These investigations have been mainly focused on understanding the molecular contribution of other organelles and of the proteins involved in outer mitochondrial membrane dynamics. However, during the mitochondrial division process, how the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) is remodeled and which proteins are responsible for regulating these dynamics are currently unknown. In addition, while mtDNA is physically associated to the IMM, how IMM dynamics regulates mtDNA distribution, replication or quality control are still open questions. Thus, the overall aim of the project is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying IMM conformational changes and to understand how these dynamic shape transitions directly regulate mtDNA content and distribution in both health and disease. To address these fundamental questions, we will (1) combine molecular biology, proteomics and state-of-the-art microscopy to precisely define the processes regulating IMM dynamics by studying a new mechanism controlling IMM compartmentalization. We will then (2) investigate, by coupling cell biology and super-resolution live cell imaging to single cell analysis, how these IMM dynamics are required to isolate mtDNA-containing nucleoids that will be subsequently targeted for degradation. Finally, using different cellular models of heteroplasmy, we will (3) explore how the manipulation of IMM dynamics could modulate the pools of mutant mtDNA and rescue the biochemical-associated defects. Together, this project will shed the light on a new mechanism specifically dedicated to regulate mtDNA quality control. This would not only mark a significant advance in the fundamental understanding of mitochondrial physiology, but would also propose a new paradigm that will open new therapeutic strategies for the modulation of mtDNA distribution and levels in pathological conditions.
Title Imaging dataset 02 for mtFociCounter 
Description This is the second dataset associated with the updated manuscript on mtFociCounter. Images are Spinning Disk Confocal Images of unsorted 3t3 NIH mouse fibroblasts stably expressing mitochondrially targeted dsRed, immunofluorescence against dsDNA (mitochondrial nucleoids) and AlexaFluor 647, and stained nuclei with Hoechst. It contains all data necessary to reproduce the testing of mtFociCounter (no primary control; rho0 control; manual cell segmentation), as described in the manuscript. Samples were processed and imaged in parallel, on the same date, in biological replicates (different date). The dataset contains the 3t3 WT data from the following acquisition dates: no primary antibody (no1) vs. with primary antibody against dsDNA (nucleoids): 20221022_no1 vs. wt 20221025_no1 vs. wt 20221029_no1 vs. wt for 3t3 cells depleted of mtDNA (rho0) vs. normal 3t3 cells with mtDNA (wt): 20221223: sample_1 & sample_2 rho0 vs. sample_3 wt for 3t3 WT cells, same raw-data, manually segmented single cells on two independent days: 20221022 -> segmentation on 20221102 vs. segmentation on 20221103 20221029 -> segmentation on 20221102 vs. segmentation on 20221104 For further details of the exact experimental procedure, please refer to the accompanying manuscript, which will soon be made available on BioRxiv. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/7634535
Title Imaging dataset 03 for mtFociCounter 
Description This is the third dataset associated with the updated manuscript on mtFociCounter. Images are Spinning Disk Confocal Images of unsorted 3t3 NIH mouse fibroblasts stably expressing mitochondrially targeted dsRed, immunofluorescence against dsDNA (mitochondrial nucleoids) and AlexaFluor 647, and nuclei stained with Hoechst. Together with dataset_01, it contains all data necessary to reproduce the analysis of 3t3 WT cells, as described in the manuscript. "samples" from the same day are 13mm coverslips processed in parallel (seeding of cells, fixation, immunofluorescence and imaging) and mounted on the same glass slide (#1 on left, #2 centre, #3 right), whereas different dates can be considered biological replicates, of which there are 19 in total (with dataset 01). Please beware, there is some redundancy with dataset_02, and we recommend combining dataset_01 with dataset_03 for further analysis. This dataset_03 contains the 3t3 WT data from the following acquisition dates: 20221025_sample1 20221026_sample2 20221029_sample1 20221029_sample2 20221110_sample2 20221210_sample1 20221211_sample3 20221212_sample3 20221217_sample2 20221220_sample2 20221221_sample3 For further details on the experimental procedure, please refer to the accompanying manuscript, which will soon be made available on BioRxiv. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/7634645
Title Imaging dataset 04 for mtFociCounter 
Description This is the fourth dataset associated with the updated manuscript on mtFociCounter. Images are Spinning Disk Confocal Images of unsorted U2OS cells treated with siRNA against TFAM (siTFAM) or neutral siRNA (siNT). Cells were stained with antibodies against tom20 (mitochondria) and against dsDNA (nucleoids). The second folder contains SIM2 images acquired on an Elyra7 microscope of 3t3 wild-type fibroblasts, which express mitochondrially targeted dsRed, and are stained by immunofluorescence against dsDNA (nucleoids) and AlexaFluor 647, as well as Hoecst for nuclei. This repository contains all data necessary to reproduce the analysis of siTFAM and 3t3-superresolution, as described in the manuscript. The dataset contains the following data: U2OS treated with siTFAM or neutral (WT): 20210212 siTFAM vs. siNT 20210217 siTFAM vs. siNT 20210222 siTFAM vs. siNT 3t3 WT fibroblasts images by Elyra7 SIM2: 20221221 20230118 20230120 The third folder contains images from Spinning Disk Confocal Images of unsorted U2OS cells. Cells were stained with antibodies against tom20 (mitochondria) and against FASTKD2 (MRGs). The fourth folder contains raw Western Blot and Coomassie staining images from unsorted U2OS cells treated with a neutral siRNA or an siRNA against TFAM for 3 days. Antibodies against tubulin, TFAM or pre-TFAM were used, as indicated. This repository contains all data necessary to reproduce the analysis of MRG numbers or TFAM knockdown assessment, as described in the manuscript. U2OS WT cells: 20230429 FASTKD2 20230505 FASTKD2 20230505 FASTKD2 For details of the experimental procedure, please refer to the accompanying manuscript, which will soon be made available on BioRxiv. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/7634604