HydroGenStore Energy Storage Solution

Lead Participant: HYDROGENESIS LTD.


The HydroGenesis HydroGenStore is a containerized integration of all necessary technologies and safety devices to allow energy (most likely renewably sourced) to be stored for indefinite lengths of time. The HydroGenStore will essentially be a closed box from the outside with a only a power in and a power out connector. Inside will be an electrolyser, compressor, battery, fuel cell and storage cylinders which function automatically. Hydrogen does not degrade overtime and therefore the HydroGenStore can be used for long term seasonal, or longer, energy storage to power properties when other forms of electricity are not available, be that from renewable sources or when there is interruption to the grid.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HYDROGENESIS LTD. £49,499 £ 49,499




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