Measurement of dielectric properties of 3D printed artificial dielectrics
Lead Research Organisation:
Loughborough University
Department Name: Wolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng
With the exciting advent of 3D printing, this revolutionary new manufacturing technique allows for low cost, low waste and highly customizable form of manufacturing. This research aims to take full advantage of 3D printing by exploring true 3D metamaterial structures. Christos is researching dielectric measurement techniques for 3D metamaterials / artificial dielectrics. The samples created by the SYMETA project may include metallic inclusions this means they are complicated to measure as they exhibit diamagnetism and anisotropy.
People |
William Whittow (Primary Supervisor) | |
Christos Tsipogiannis (Student) |
Studentship Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Student Name |
EP/N509516/1 | 30/09/2016 | 29/09/2021 | |||
1907852 | Studentship | EP/N509516/1 | 30/06/2017 | 30/08/2021 | Christos Tsipogiannis |