SWEET SUCCESS: Driving net zero transition by accelerating bio-energy (sugarcane) production in South Africa



**CHALLENGE**: c.85% of South Africa(SA)'s electricity is generated via burning coal, with SA being one of the largest global greenhouse-gas emitters. State-owned Eskom supplies 95% SA's electricity, but power stations are regularly broken/undergoing maintenance, leading to 'loadshedding'.

**BIO-ENERGY**(=renewable energy) has a short life cycle with potential to replace fossil fuels. As biomass grows, it absorbs carbon from atmosphere, released when incinerated. This makes biomass=**carbon neutral.**

**MARKET OPPORTUNITY:**SA has substantial bio-energy potential. Sugarcane (bio-energy=ethanol) offers massive economic/environmental rewards. In SA, sugarcane is grown in KwaZulu-Natal due to tropical climate. However, yields are impacted by pests (e.g., Stalk Borer), and land-use is under heavy scrutiny due to competing food/housing resources.

**NET ZERO TRANSITION:**Project responds to bio-energy demand, and just/inclusive net zero transition, by utilising consortium's unique capabilities/innovations to increase yields of bio-energy crops, subsequently aiding energy generation, whilst not compromising land-use for food/housing.


* Increase yields of sugarcane by adapting/deploying innovative acoustic monitoring technologies to track pests for actionable outcomes.
* Investigate urban land areas (=Camperdown, KwaZulu-Natal) for expanding bio-energy production that would otherwise be inappropriate for housing/food through introducing innovative hydroponic technologies.
* Deliver inclusive/accessible training on aforementioned technologies.

**TARGET GROUP:** Project targets Camperdown (KwaZulu-Natal), an urban settlement approx.60km northwest of Durban; 20km southeast of Pietermaritzburg. Camperdown is rapidly expanding but has:

* Severe urban poverty.
* Rising youth unemployment.
* Lacks employment opportunities for women.

**WIDER BENEFITS/IMPACT:** Project will boost bio-energy productivity/yields/reduced costs, whilst delivering economic development/jobs/education/training/equity/quality of life/public-empowerment/social inclusion to Camperdown, KwaZulu-Natal


* Deployment of monitoring technologies to track pests within bio-energy crops(=sugarcane) to increase yields.
* Demonstrate hydroponic technologies in Camperdown (KwaZulu-Natal) for bio-energy(=sugarcane) production that would otherwise be inappropriate for housing/food.
* Market data.
* Focus groups/training/workshops/GESI Champions.
* Reports on deployment/engagement/training/calibration/data/algorithms.
* Impact assessment.
* Exploitation plan.
* Literature/materials/social media.


* Improved yields(10%) of bio-energy crops from enhanced pest monitoring using low-cost AI/solar driven acoustic sensing unit(named=PollyTM) with results displayed as web app for improved decision-making.
* Growing bio-energy crops in low-cost SMART hydroponic system (named=GYO Systems) in urban areas that would otherwise be inappropriate for housing/food. GYO System allows for larger/taller/heavier crops while <50% harvest time/eliminating soil-borne diseases.


* **AgriSound (Lead) (UK SME)**, (UK agri-tech start-up specialising in IoT solutions for insect pests),
* **Crop Health and Protection (CHAP)(UK RTO)**, (Centre for Agricultural Innovation-key component of UK government's Agri-Tech strategy),
* **GYO Systems (SA SMME),** (SA agri-tech specialising in hydroponic systems development, manufacture and installation).

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AGRISOUND LIMITED £62,122 £ 43,485


GYO SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD £90,634 £ 63,444


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