Investigating the Role of the Ribosome in Membrane Protein Biogenesis

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Life Sciences


Living organisms are made up of cells. Cells require barriers or membranes to physically separate themselves from the environment and hence maintain their integrity. Internally, cells contain compartments which are again bounded by membranes. Such internal compartments within the cells allow processes which would otherwise interfere with each other to occur simultaneously. They also allow the generation of energy which powers the rest of the cell. Although the presence of membranes acting as barriers is essential, if the membrane is completely impermeable the cell cannot survive as molecules such as nutrients cannot enter the cell and likewise waste products can not be expelled. To overcome this problem, membranes contain large molecules called proteins, which allow the movement of specific molecules from one side of the membrane to the other. They allow a cell to tightly control what enters and leaves the cell. Membrane proteins can also act as signal relays, sensing molecules or processes occurring outside the cell and then triggering events inside the cell in response. The importance of these membrane proteins is highlighted in many diseases where a single membrane protein is defective and can no longer permit movement of a specific molecule. A good example would be cystic fibrosis where a protein that allows movement of chloride ions fails to function leading to the disease. Having seen that membrane proteins play such important functions and that when they are absent or fail to work properly the consequences for the cell are severe. It is therefore important to understand how such protein are made in the cell, particularly as some diseases including cystic fibrosis are caused when the membrane protein is not made correctly. Proteins are made by large complex machines termed ribosomes. Not only does the ribosome make the protein but it can also interact with the machinery that correctly places, or inserts, the membrane protein into the membrane. The two machineries are organised such that while the protein is still being made it starts to be inserted in to the membrane. Ribosomes make a vast array of proteins yet only around a third of them are membrane proteins. A key question of this project is to understand how the ribosome knows that it is making a membrane protein and therefore that it needs to be placed in the membrane. As new proteins are made they move from a place deep inside the ribosome through a narrow tunnel to the surface of the ribosome, where they can be released to the rest of the cell. Parts of this tunnel inside the ribosome can 'sense' when a membrane protein is being made and so the machinery that inserts the membrane proteins can be alerted that a membrane protein is on the way. This project aims to understand how the ribosome manages to do this, which bits of the ribosome are needed and what happens if it doesn't work properly. By understanding how this processes occurs normally it will help us to understand what can go wrong and how this can cause disease. The sensing of the new protein inside the tunnel within the ribosome may also be important for other types of proteins that need different machineries to help them be made correctly and so the project will also investigate what other processes in the cell fail to happen when the ribosome tunnel no longer works properly. Overall the project will help us to understand more clearly the detailed workings of the ribosome, the machine which synthesizes all proteins in the cell, and how it can respond to different types of proteins as they are being made to ensure they are then further processed correctly.

Technical Summary

The ribosome is a fascinatingly complex machine that synthesises proteins. However, it is clear that it has functions beyond translation. In particular the fate of newly synthesised polypeptide chains is influenced by recruitment of factors to the ribosome in response to features within specific nascent chains. Nascent chains moves through an aqueous tunnel(exit tunnel) from the site of peptide bond formation to the ribosome surface (exit site). Tunnel wall components are implicated in recognising features of nascent chains, triggering recruitment of factors to the exit site, which then process the nascent chains as they emerge from the tunnel. A paradigm for this mode of action is provided by secretory and membrane proteins. Targeting factors are recruited to the ribosome and deliver the ribosome and nascent chain to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Secretory and membrane proteins are targeted to the same translocation channel (translocon) at the ER membrane. Importantly, the presence of a Trans-Membrane domain (TM) inside the exit tunnel of the ribosome leads to reprogramming of the translocon permitting subsequent insertion of the TM into the bilayer. Ribosomal protein Rpl17 forms a restriction inside the exit tunnel and contacts the translocon near the exit site. Furthermore, TM regions interact intimately with Rpl17 and triggering recruitment of additional factors to the translocon, suggesting Rp17 is a signal-relay. We will dissect the function of Rpl17 in vivo, to test its role in membrane protein integration and elucidate its mode of action. We will employ a multifaceted approach using yeast as a model organism. We will combine targeted and unbiased approaches to generate mutants of rpl17 with membrane protein biogenesis defects and employ in vitro assays to dissect the molecular basis of their phenotypes. Our genetic approach will also allow us to ask if the exit tunnel and in particular, Rpl17 functions in processes beyond membrane protein biogenesis.

Planned Impact

Wherever possible we will attempt to maximize the impact of the work generated from grant to the non-acadamic sector by: Engaging the public via the media to place our basic research findings in an understandable context Seek to consider commercialisation opportunities of IP arising from the work especially in the areas of ribosome and novel antibiotics and the over-expression of membrane proteins in yeast. Exploiting existing public engagement programme to host 6th form students in lab for summer placements, which would be supervised by the post-doctoral fellow. Presenting at international conferences to the yeast community attended by a broad audience.
Description Living organisms are made up of cells. Cells require barriers or membranes to physically separate themselves from the environment and hence maintain their integrity. Internally, cells contain compartments which are again bounded by membranes. Such internal compartments within the cells allow processes which would otherwise interfere with each other to occur simultaneously. They also allow the generation of energy which powers the rest of the cell.
Although the presence of membranes acting as barriers is essential, if the membrane is completely impermeable the cell cannot survive as molecules such as nutrients cannot enter the cell and likewise waste products can not be expelled. To overcome this problem, membranes contain large molecules called proteins, which allow the movement of specific molecules from one side of the membrane to the other. They allow a cell to tightly control what enters and leaves the cell. Membrane proteins can also act as signal relays, sensing molecules or processes occurring outside the cell and then triggering events inside the cell in response.
The importance of these membrane proteins is highlighted in many diseases where a single membrane protein is defective and can no longer permit movement of a specific molecule. A good example would be cystic fibrosis where a protein that allows movement of chloride ions fails to function leading to the disease.
Having seen that membrane proteins play such important functions and that when they are absent or fail to work properly the consequences for the cell are severe. It is therefore important to understand how such protein are made in the cell, particularly as some diseases including cystic fibrosis are caused when the membrane protein is not made correctly.

Proteins are made by large complex machines termed ribosomes. Not only does the ribosome make the protein but it can also interact with the machinery that correctly places, or inserts, the membrane protein into the membrane. The two machineries are organized such that while the protein is still being made it starts to be inserted in to the membrane. Ribosomes make a vast array of proteins yet only around a third of them are membrane proteins. A key question this project addressed is to understand how the ribosome knows that it is making a membrane protein and therefore that it needs to be placed in the membrane.
As new proteins are made they move from a place deep inside the ribosome through a narrow tunnel to the surface of the ribosome, where they can be released to the rest of the cell. Parts of this tunnel inside the ribosome can 'sense' when a membrane protein is being made and so the machinery that inserts the membrane proteins can be alerted that a membrane protein is on the way. We have found that a component of the tunnel called Rpl17 functions as a 'molecular switch'. In one state it allows the ribosome to recruit the machinery necessary to target membrane proteins to the membrane where they can then be inserted. In the opposite state, it recruits the machinery required to process and correctly fold up those proteins, which remain inside the cell and are not associated with membranes. We also show that the ribosome is unable to bind both these machineries simultaneously emphasizing the importance in regulating their recruitment. Mutant forms of the Rpl17 protein that are stuck in one state or the other are either unable to make membrane proteins properly or accumulate aggregates of misfolded cellular proteins, respectively.

Overall the project now helps us to understand more clearly the detailed workings of the ribosome, the machine which synthesizes all proteins in the cell, and how it can respond to different types of proteins as they are being made to ensure they are then further processed correctly. Understanding how this works in healthy cells, can then help us deduce what might be happening should this go wrong in disease.

In addition, this region of the ribosome is important in the field of antibiotics; drugs such as erythromycin bind to the tunnel of the bacterial ribosome, but not to yeast or human ribosomes, and prevent proteins being made, thereby killing the bacteria. Understanding in detail how the tunnel of the ribosome works in yeast and humans compared to bacteria may allow the design of new antibiotics, which bind here but are still specific for ribosomes from bacteria.
Exploitation Route We have generated mutant Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast strains with ribosomes that have altered recruitment of protein biogenesis factors. These strains may help with over-expression of heterologous proteins in yeast for biotechnology applications. Through a BBSRC DTP studentship we have now also made analagous mutations in mammalian ribosomes and see that they lead to defects in nascent chain stalling. Hence we can transfer our findings in a model system into mammalian cells.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Description We have published our research findings in leading journals (JCB and PLoS Biology) and these papers are well cited by the protein biogenesis field reflecting their importance. We have generated yeast mutants with altered recruitment of protein biogenesis factors to the ribosome. These strains are of use to the yeast research community. We have had discussions with a UK biotech company about exploiting these strains for enhanced heterologous protein expression, but the company are not presently in a position to take this forward. We will of course monitor this situation.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Economic

Title Anti-uL22 antibody 
Description Antibody to yeast ribosomal protein uL22 - validated for Western blot by mass-shift tagging. 
Type Of Material Antibody 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We have shared this reagent with several groups within the yeast ribosome community. 
Title Anti-yeast Map1 antibody 
Description We have generated and validated antibodies to the yeast protein Map1. 
Type Of Material Antibody 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Antibodies to this protein hitherto currently unavailable to the yeast community. 
Title rpl17 yeast mutants strains 
Description We have generated over 40 different mutants in the yeast gene RPL17A. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2010 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact These strains will allow dissection of functions of RPL17 in translation and protein biogenesis to be investigated. The strains also have potential applications for over-expression of heterologous proteins in yeast. At least one company is potentially interested in this possibility. 
Description Art Johnson Collaboration 
Organisation Texas A&M University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have provided expertise and reagents for analysis of ribosomal proteins Rpl17, to further elucidate its role in integration of integral membrane proteins at the ER.
Collaborator Contribution Devised photo-crosslinking study to identify proteins involved in integration of integral membrane proteins at the ER. This identified Rpl17 as a potential candidate which we could together confirm.
Impact Publication Lin et al. (2011). I visited the Johnson lab in College Station, Texas and also gave a research seminar.
Start Year 2009
Description Matt Sachs Collaboration 
Organisation Texas A&M University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have shared our panel of rpl17 mutant strains for detailed analysis of translation stalling by the Sachs lab
Collaborator Contribution Detailed analysis of translation stalling by the Sachs lab using our mutant strains
Impact None as yet.
Start Year 2010
Description 6th form student work placement 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Convinced student to apply to biology/biochemistry courses at university

Based on the success of this work shadowing we followed this up with a workshop for 40 BTEC Biology students
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010
Description BTEC Biology student workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Students were really motivated to work hard and apply to university. This course is taken by many students from backgrounds where they feel less empowered to apply to university.

40 BTEC biology students from Oldham 6th form college visited the lab for demonstrations of PCR genotyping and SDS-PAGE analysis.
The event was highly successful and the college were keen to repeat the activity. Feedback from both teacher and students was highly positive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010