Singular limits of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDE

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Science


Strong-competition limits of competing-population systems with two components
have proved an effective way of obtaining information about the competition
system for large values of the competition parameter. Understanding the
dynamics of such systems is very difficult in general, due to their lack of
variational structure. On the other hand, the strong-interaction limit is a scalar
equation which has a Lyapunov function and is much more easily studied.
Such singular limits are both mathematically useful, and correspond to the important
biological and physical phenomena of spatial segregation and phase separation.

For competition systems with more than two components, however, the techniques
that are effective in the two-component case fail and new ideas are needed.
Some success has been had been recently, using tools from free-boundary problems,
to show convergence of solutions of the competition system to a solution of a limit

The central goal of this proposal is to prove results on the so-called converse problem for
multi-component systems; that is, on whether or not a solution of the limit problem
does in fact arise as the limit of solutions of the original system. Such converse problems
are an essential and important part of the understanding of any singular limit, and have
yet to be addressed at all for strong-competition limits of multi-component systems.
We also aim to prove results on the converse problem for competition systems of
two components when the interaction terms are large only on a subdomain, and for
systems with a different, cubic type of competitive coupling, which occurs in modelling
certain quantum mechanical systems.

Planned Impact

The main beneficiaries of this research will be mathematicians, both in the UK and internationally,
particularly experts in the area of nonlinear partial differential equations. Since the proposed
mathematical problems have direct application to the fields of population dynamics and quantum
mechanical systems, mathematical biologists and physicists with interests in these topics will also benefit. The results arising from this work will be published in academic journals and disseminated through the medium of invited seminar and conference talks. Care will be taken both in the writing of journal articles and in the preparation of presentations to ensure that the introductory part is accessible to those from disciplines other than mathematics.

There is growing interest in strong-interaction limits of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDE because such limits both yield information when the original problem is mathematical intractable and also correspond to the biologically and physically interesting phenomena of spatial segregation and phase separation. Most work to date has focussed on the case of two interacting components, whereas there are often more than two components in real applications, and the proposed research will make a significant contribution to the understanding of such multi-component systems by characterising when a solution of the limit problem arises as the limit of solutions of the original problem. This is important for applications because it can be viewed as a physical/biological admissibility question about solutions of the limit problem. New mathematical methods will need to be developed to address the technical issues arising in the multi-component case, and it is expected that such ideas will be of benefit to mathematicians working on related problems.

This project will further strengthen the collaborative links between the UK and Australia, and benefit mathematicians in both countries through dissemination of the mathematical ideas and application areas of the project.


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Description Strong-competition limits of competing-population systems with two components have proved an effective way of obtaining information about the competition system for large values of the competition parameter. Understanding the dynamics of such systems is difficult in general, due to their lack of variational structure. On the other hand, the strong interaction limit is a scalar equation, so in priniciple much more easily studied. When the diffusion coefficients of the two components are the same, it is well-established that a Lyapunov function (energy) for this scalar limit problem can be used to infer information about the dynamics of the two-component system for large values of the competition parameter, including that, under some non-degeneracy conditions, each solution of the k-dependent system for large k will converge to a stationary solution of the system as time tends to infinity. During the period of this grant, good initial progress was made towards establishing some corresponding results when the diffusion coefficients of the two components may differ. In particular, (a) pointwise spatial segregation of the system components in the strong-interaction limit was established via `blow-up' and monotonicity formula arguments; (b) exploitation of recently established Hölder estimates enabled strong convergence results to be proved for the spatial gradients of the two components; this is a key ingredient in trying to use an energy of the limit problem to gain information about the system for large value of the competition parameter k. To prove that solutions of the system for large values of k stay close to stationary solutions of the limit equation for all sufficiently large time, it remains to establish some properties of the limit equation - in particular, regularity properties of its solutions. This is a difficult question because of the lack of linearity of the diffusion operator, and we are working on understanding these issues at present. Results were also obtained on the so-called converse problem for systems of stationary Gross-Pitaevskii equations; that is, on whether or not a solution of the limit problem does in fact arise as a limit of solutions of the original system. These are the first such results for systems of this type, which have cubic coupling between the components. The methods used exploited the variational structure of the system, and the visiting researcher has written a preprint on this work entitled ``On the converse problem for the stationary Gross-Pitaevskii equations with a large parameter" that has been submitted for publication.
Exploitation Route There are potential applications of strong interaction limits of elliptic and parabolic systems in population dynamics, which have applications in ecology.
Sectors Environment