
Lead Participant: FULLSPEKTRUM LTD


Helping children with special educational needs reach their potential requires significant reforms in policy and support processes. With waiting lists for special needs assessment and appeals to Tribunals at a record high, SEND is at breaking point and something needs to change \[Barnes,2020\].

The administrative burden for Local Authorities (LAs), schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) in assessing special educational needs and developing sufficient support programs is unduly intensified by the current policy-driven and process-focused system \[Barnes,2020\]. Lacking efficient, user-friendly and purpose-built support software, care providers simply do not have the time and resources to focus on the children's outcomes \[HoC,2019\].

To improve the process of supporting pupils with common SEN conditions, FullSpektrum developed FS:Insight, a business intelligence and management information system for LAs and schools. The software comprehensively ingests inputs from all interventions and presents them in a collaborative multi-dashboard platform, simplifying quantitative and qualitative analysis.

FS:Insight reduces administrative burden and simplifies reporting and accurate student insights. It will equip staff to meet the needs of SEN pupils and improve outcomes of their school performance. Giving children centralised access for all SEND support, empowers them to take more responsibility for their own health.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

FULLSPEKTRUM LTD £493,376 £ 345,363




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