Ultra Safe Industrial Helmets

Lead Participant: HEXR LTD


Industrial workers are at significant risk of severe head injuries, for example the HSE reported 5,400 significant head injuries in 2019 with 60% of all fatalities involved a head injury. Injuries to the head are often life-changing, resulting in long-term damage such as memory loss, behavioral change and spinal damage. The economic cost of these workplace injuries was estimated to be £0.5 bn p.a. and accounted for half a million lost working days.

It is likely that the problem is far worse due to poor reporting, e.g. Headway found that 52% of workers who had experienced a head injury did not report it to their manager, with only 6% of those injured seeking medical attention.

In order to address the market need for an improved solution, we (HEXR Ltd) in collaboration with Imperial College London (ICL) aim to develop an ultra safe industrial helmet.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HEXR LTD £313,495 £ 219,447


IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON £110,578 £ 110,578


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