


Note Taking Express (NTE) provides an online personalised learning solution (NTE Learning) to improve learning outcomes for students. It has 20,000+ student users in UK and 180 Higher Education institution (HEI) customers in UK and North America.

NTE has collected more than 200K hours of lecture recordings with human curated summary notes and transcripts. The uploaders of those lecture recordings are students from different universities and majors with their own learning styles and career goals. With AI algorithms, we can help those universities automatically monetise their courses to Indian customers, who have been affected by the pandemic in education.

NTE want to use their AI-based adaptive learning system, Cougar, to monetise course content from different providers and resources according to students' own learning goals and learning styles. This project will enable NTE to expand its business to students (end users) in India.

Key objectives are to work with our partners to clarify the market and requirements from customers and end users, develop a proof of concept of AI-based adaptive learning system and set up trials of Cougar an innovative AI-based adaptive learning system.


NTE has unique, rich and well-cleaned training data for adaptive learning and course recommendations. NTE's Cougar system utilises Natural Language Processing, AI and Knowledge graphs to create a recommendation engine for suitable user learning paths. NTE will construct these to match students' learning goals and background knowledge automatically, based on case studies and user research.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HABITAT LEARN LIMITED £29,777 £ 20,844


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