Real Time Assessment Tool for Assistive Technology

Lead Participant: DISABLED LIVING


Disabled Living provides support, advice and information about assistive technology to help disabled adults, children and older people to achieve independent living, core to this service is incontinence support and assistance for people choosing the right equipment so that it is safe. We also run a helpline which is open to the public so that they can make the right choices about equipment that is available to help the achieve a better quality of life. Our support ensures that people can make safe and economically sound choices about the support that they can receive as well as reducing hospital admissions to A & E through falls.

Through consultation with our beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers we have developed a new way of undertaking assessments using video conferencing methods that has enabled one to one consultations with our Occupational Therapists (OT's) so that they can provide an on-line assessment for suitable equipment. Through the app, the OT can view all rooms in the house, so any risks can be captured (such as fall risks) and interventions can be put in place to ensure that the client is safe, we can also demonstrate equipment through the app and ensure that it is installed correctly, putting the client at the heart of the assessment. We have worked closely with our clients and their families who have been integral in the design and functionality of the process to ensure that it responds to their needs.

We have applied to the Healthy Ageing Challenge fund to test the feasibility of the 'Real Time Assessment Tool' to ensure that OT assessments can be carried out more effectively through a virtual assessment tool and enable the sharing of this data with Housing Associations so that adaptations and assistive technology can be put in place so that the individual can return to their home more rapidly, reducing hospital in stays, cost and anxiety for everyone involved.

We will work with Housing Associations, their residents and commercial equipment providers to further develop the 'Real Time Assessment Tool' so that; a) OT assessments can be carried out quickly; b) that data can be shared between partners so adaptations can be completed more rapidly; and c) introduce other areas of assessments to increase healthy life expectancy and reduce health and care needs to enable tomorrow's older people to enjoy greater health and wellbeing for longer.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

DISABLED LIVING £49,016 £ 49,016


10 25 50