SupraQ-PW an innovative non-invasive ultrasound device for cardiac output and fluid status management for all hospitalised patients.



Deltex Medical has been awarded an Innovate UK Smart Award to complete the development of SupraQ-PW. SupraQ-PW is an innovative hand-held non-invasive device for the assessment of cardiac function and fluid status for all hospitalised patients. Clinicians currently lack a simple, reliable, non-invasive haemodynamic monitor that rapidly and accurately assesses the circulatory status of sick non-ventilated patients, and then guides their treatment. SupraQ-PW will be used in A&E, pre-surgical screening, critical care, obstetrics and cardiology. Prompt diagnosis for Covid-19 patients, is critical before their circulatory problem becomes severe. Use to guide treatment would improve patient outcomes, reduce hospital stay, improve utilization of stretched resources and deliver economic benefits. SupraQ-PW will Pulse Wave ultrasound which has the advantage that it can echolocate the point of measurement. The system is non-invasive and can be used on non-ventilated awake patients across all hospital settings. This development is the result of over 10years research into the optimal design for a non-invasive Doppler ultrasound cardiac output device. The probe is placed in the suprasternal notch (V-shaped notch at top of the sternum at the base of the neck). From this position ultrasound can be directed down the patient's aorta without skeletal bone obscuring the beam. This innovative device is easy to use and provides accurate and reproducible measurements of cardiac function and fluid status without patient harm. SupraQ-PW is compatible with Deltex's latest portable TrueVue monitors such that no additional monitoring device is required.

Medicine today faces increasingly complex cases as the population ages. Protecting patients from haemodynamic errors through improved monitoring would save thousands of lives, improve outcomes and reduce costs. Haemodynamic instability and low blood pressure are frequent, with consequences such as myocardial infarctions, stroke and kidney injury. Complications have serious clinical and financial consequences; unplanned intensive care admissions; longer hospital stay; increased readmissions; increased 30-day mortality; and shorter patient lifespan after discharge. The ability to quickly and simply screen in-patients at admission and throughout their care will be a significant contribution to patient safety, in-hospital care and post discharge outcomes. This development is a significant moment for Deltex in its mission to provide non-invasive measurements of cardiac output for all hospitalised patients. SupraQ-PW addresses a market need in Deltex's immediately accessible market of 4 direct territories and 23 distributors and potentially 16 million devices per annum. Deltex expects cumulative sales of £32 million by the end of the 5th year after launch.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

DELTEX MEDICAL LIMITED £493,664 £ 345,565




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