High Performance Quantum Light Source

Lead Participant: AEGIQ LTD


A wide range of emerging quantum technologies including communication, photonic computing, microscopy and sensing all require a high-quality source of quantum light in order to succeed. Aegiq's goal for this project is to develop a complete field-ready, turn-key solution that can easily be incorporated into a commercial setting. We will achieve this by leveraging our leading-edge indistinguishable single-photon sources, by driving them at GHz rates with a novel ultrafast laser, developed by Fraunhofer CAP. Our deterministic source technology means this high-purity single-photon output rate will by far surpass rates that are currently limited by the performance of commercially available lasers. This will make our system ideal for high-speed quantum key distribution and quantum information processing, as well as being a brighter source for imaging or sensing applications. We aim to break down several barriers to adopting quantum technology, namely the performance and cost so that Aegiq products will be used to shape the future technology market.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AEGIQ LTD £294,104 £ 205,873




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