Celestial Live

Lead Participant: CELESTIAL LABS LTD


Celestial Live will develop outstanding new drone light shows which astound and amaze audiences by responding to performers in real time, expressing their music and dance through an immersive fusion of colour and movement.

The project builds upon Celestial's success in staging impactful drone light shows flying hundreds of drones in formation. Celestial has won several awards including "The Best Integrated Drone Show" in 2021\. Our shows incorporate music and imagery to create an unparalleled audiovisual experience and our high profile clients include Greenpeace and the City of Melbourne.

This project addresses a global need to create new and more engaging types of drone show experiences. The concept of analysing music and movement will enable Celestial to create artistic drone formations with increased sophistication. Audiences will receive more intensity from the aspect of immersion. The link between seeing a show and seeing a performer manipulate the show heightens the senses of the viewer, increasing the 'magic' of the show.

This collaborative project between Celestial and Bath Spa University will yield a prototype live control drone system. It will extract live audio and motion information from a musician's performance and translate it into a drone light show which constantly evolves to reflect the performance.

We will host a showcase event at project completion to demonstrate a small fleet of drones dancing in real-time alongside a live musical performance.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CELESTIAL LABS LTD £281,398 £ 196,979


BATH SPA UNIVERSITY £2,566 £ 2,566


10 25 50