Improving the sustainability of lupins through conventional and next generation methodologies


**Lupin is currently an under-utilised crop in the UK with a huge potential of transforming the UK protein market for both food and feed.** We are investigating the opportunity that lupin has to become a **sustainably produced farm-based protein crop in the UK**, to replace and overcome the need for importing soya for livestock feed due to lupins provide high quality/quantity of protein, equivalent to soya and outstripping peas/beans. This project would **transform the traditional farm-based lupin protein production by 2 parallel strategies for decarbonisation and improved sustainability** via regenerative agriculture and improved lupin traits, each with underpinning metrics and measurements.

**Lupin production in the UK** is currently low due to the lack of food/feed market and **needs** evidence-based and informed **encouragement**. The project aims to achieve this via the knowledge-exchange/stakeholder-relations/dissemination activities. This should stimulate the market and give growers confidence in taking on lupin as a viable crop in their rotations and/or on-farm feed production. This should be enhanced by **the involvement of farmers in the field trials** enabling peer to peer learning.

The project is delivered by a highly competent consortium, led by CHAP, partnered with SoyaUK and Phytoform Labs.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



SOYA UK LIMITED £103,000 £ 72,100
PHYTOFORM LABS LTD £159,334 £ 111,534


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