A Climate Companion for FS organisations to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions.



Becoming the world's first net-zero financial centre presents a huge challenge. If the UK's FS industry were a country, it would be the ninth largest emitter in the world (larger than the emissions of Germany or Canada), amounting to 805 million tonnes CO2e (WWF,2021). There is a long way to go. Organisations must turn net-zero ambitions into practical action and results. Having seen this challenge and frustration first-hand, the Greenr team set out to leverage technology, accurate data, and behavioural psychology principles to support organisations to fulfil their environmental goals.

Greenr's solution is a 'climate companion' for organisations and their employees. The 'most accurate carbon calculator available', Greenr's solution comes as a mobile app and a web dashboard. It's what underpins this that sets it apart from other carbon reduction tools. It is powered by an extensive carbon emissions database, advanced AI technologies, and behavioural psychology principles, enabling accurate and real-time visibility of the organisation's carbon footprint, alongside employee engagement for carbon reduction at source. The carbon footprint tools that are currently available are insufficient for the dramatic change that is required to reach net-zero.

Greenr sees the FS industry as the route to drive the net-zero transition at scale. That's why this project engages with multiple FS organisations to further develop and validate Greenr's solution. Ultimately Greenr's solution will decrease organisations' carbon emissions and increase the level of impact disclosure in the FS industry and beyond. This will be critical to the UK achieving net-zero by 2050\.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

GREENR TECHNOLOGIES LTD £343,003 £ 343,003




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