

NextAD project will advance the UK supply chain by applying Autonomous Drive System technologies within urban residential roads and rural roads as demand for service and commercialisation grows. By utilising Autonomous Vehicle functionality, we can deliver a safer and securer drive for its occupants, whilst offering a commercially viable platform. This will allow for the UK OEMs and supply chain to target early commercial self-driving vehicle opportunities by solving current and real-world technological challenges in the UK. Consequently, this will reveal technology gaps in the UK which can then be exploited by the UK supply chain

By providing specifications, NextAD will support the anchoring of capability in the UK by building a supply chain ecosystem with aligned objectives, and visibility of performance requirements and needs of OEMs and their multi- operational design domains autonomous drive systems. This will ultimately lead to increased economic performance, highly skilled jobs growth and competitiveness for the UK.

The OEM involved in the project will be able to deliver autonomous drive systems and technologies supported by a UK supply chain, manufactured in a plant based in the UK securing skills and jobs in the UK for years to come. Additionally, supplier partners will solve key technological barriers which are preventing mass commercialisation, by using their expertise in Cyber Security, Interoperability, Pedestrian interaction, and other previous knowledge of how autonomous drive systems works.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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