A project to connect independent health and well-being practitioners to clients and each other, for better care.



Whether we need help maintaining good health or combatting ill health, it is more difficult than ever to manage our personal healthcare. We face obstacles in the form of finance (both individually and societally), resource management and even access, with a record high of \>7mil people in England waiting for treatment as of September 2022 (BMA). Referral-to-Treatment waiting times for NHS England are 12 weeks on median average, with some stretching up to 44 weeks (NHS-England\_2022).

Faced with long wait times for GPs or referrals, or with health issues that fall short of requiring a GP appointment, many patients are turning to private practitioners. However, there is no central starting point for finding a practitioner, and no easy way to search the wide variety of options currently on the market.

The purpose of our proposed project is to develop and commercialise a platform which gives patients one point of access to explore, choose, and work with independent health and well-being practitioners of all disciplines over time. The platform will allow patients to easily and securely transfer their data from one practitioner to another and will enable collaboration between those practitioners to allow for holistic, multi-disciplinary healthcare -- understood as best practice by NICE.

The types of patients that may use the platform are likely to be managing conditions that fall broadly into Nutritional, Mental and Physical categories, and embedded in a lifestyle that does not fit the pattern of long-term condition management. These may include:

\* UK Adult, overweight, with poor sleep and back pain.

\* UK Adult, parenting young children, sleep deprived with poor nutrition

\* UK Adult, starting a new exercise regime and experiences pain

The platform will also benefit private practitioners. Being self-employed is expensive and time-consuming, with reaching and treating patients difficult across a fragmented online landscape. In addition, meeting tools are often not to healthcare standards, creating unnecessary risk and burden. The platform will give them one space to manage, reach patients, collaborate with other practitioners, and run meetings through fully secure embedded video calling.

After a successful feasibility study with over 100 practitioners, we are ready to move onto the industrial research of our innovation to identify and unite practitioners and make holistic and multi-disciplinary care possible. Development of this innovation offers a unique opportunity to bring a game-changing new platform to market and address major national and global issues with healthcare access and long-term health management.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CHRYSALIS HEALTH LTD £647,155 £ 453,008




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