Deep Reader, a generative AI digital reading platform that accelerates pupil reading age

Lead Participant: STUDY HALL LIMITED


The Study Hall(r) Deep Reader(tm) platform is an AI-powered digital book platform for primary and secondary schools designed to accelerate student reading age and assessment results. The platform uses generative AI to enhance textbook and book content with educational materials such as contextual background knowledge, curriculum content, and assessments, as well as state-of-the-art study tools. This is a personalised, adaptive reading platform across all subjects that can provide better data analytics and tools for teachers to identify, assess and develop student reading abilities, and reduce reading age gaps that create persistent inequalities in student outcomes. Study Hall has been the successful recipient of a previous Innovate UK focussed on adaptive learning and assessment for English and maths. The Deep Reader AI-powered digital book platform is complimentary to adaptive learning and assessment.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

STUDY HALL LIMITED £499,960 £ 349,972




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