Wrapt Homes - Unlocking investment into whole house retrofit

Lead Participant: WRAPT HOMES LTD


WRAPT Homes will develop a data-driven, stock-level analysis model that informs the targeted retrofit of homes using modern methods of construction (MMC), and specifies scalable post occupancy evaluation strategies to unlock funding and commercialisation opportunities.

WRAPT Homes delivers a whole house retrofit solution for our clients (fabric, heating, ventilation and renewable energies where appropriate). We have a design and delivery methodology using MMC that can deliver a whole house retrofit for our clients.

We will provide strong data-led approach to provide the decision making and funding platforms for Housing Associations in a way that:

1\. Provides a compelling data-driven case for a whole house approach across a portfolio.

2\. Facilitates sustainable long-term funding and grant opportunities to bridge the financial gap that a whole house approach might bring.

Our feasibility project will develop our data-driven models in partnership with key stakeholders to understand their requirements, limitations, concerns and practical barriers.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WRAPT HOMES LTD £19,976 £ 19,976




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