Airmail from Alice

Lead Participant: SENSING SPACE LTD


Airmail from Alice (AfA) takes children (age 6-12) on a journey around fascinating architecture in the world, opening up their minds to amazing buildings and creative people, as well as promoting their emotional resilience and mental well-being.

Since the pandemic, there has been a massive increase in screen time and decline of mental well-being in children. This has created a growing need among families for fun and educational off-screen activities to balance their children's offline and online time.

AfA is a powerful alternative to endless screen time. It is a new monthly subscription kit in which architecture and Alice in Wonderland are combined in a unique way to stimulate children's creativity, foster emotional resilience, and improve mental well-being all together in a playful way.

Receiving airmails from Alice, children explore stunning architecture, discover their background stories, and engage in various crafting and emotional development exercises. Emotional exercises are designed by experts in child development to cultivate children's positive mental assets to help them thrive.

Unlocking children's creativity and emotional resilience will be an invaluable gift throughout their life and help raising innovative future generations to expand UK creative industries, while mitigating mental health issues in future adults.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SENSING SPACE LTD £49,943 £ 49,943




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