COLOUR EARTH - Regenerative Plant-based Textile Printing Process

Lead Participant: OSMOSE STUDIO LTD


Osmose is a material science and fashion design company developing low-impact textile dyeing processes for fashion applications using plant-based solutions.


Our project Colour Earth will develop a lab-tested sustainable textile dyeing and printing solution that can be applied at scale. It will be combined with a proof of concept to produce natural pigments locally that can support an entirely new supply chain and answer the land scarcity and soil health crisis in the UK.

**The impact of synthetic dyes on the environment**

The dyeing and treatment of clothing is globally responsible for 25% of all water pollution, \[[McKinsey 2020][0]\] with more than 8000 chemicals currently used in fashion \[Common Objective,2017\]. The treatment of textiles creates huge environmental challenges where biodiversity, waterways, land and entire ecosystems are being slowly degraded on a large scale \[[CNN,2020][1]\].

Made from fossil fuel and heavy metal-derived compounds, synthetic dyes are produced from extractive and non-renewable processes. They create hazardous wastewater, solid waste and air pollutants.

They are not only toxic to aquatic life and other land mammals, they also impact human health, from garment workers to end consumers as known carcinogens \[[Biotechnology Research and Innovation][2], 2019\]. This creates disastrous environmental and health crisis in the Far and Middle East where most textile processing is carried out. Additionally, any synthetic dyeing process applied to organic textile fibre negates their biodegradability credentials. \[[Kumar,2018][3]\]

**Low impact bio-based dye alternatives**

With the demand for plant-based and sustainably produced clothing growing exponentially \[[Businesswire,2021][4]\] there is a clear need for low impact and regenerative supply chains and production processes in fashion.

Novel dyeing solutions that are waterless, or gas-based still utilise synthetic compounds. They are currently too costly for brands to implement on a wider scale. \[[Earth911,2014][5]\]

Ont he other hand, screen-printing, a widely used pattern-making and colouring process in fashion remains unexplored in combination with natural pigments, as it still relies on synthetic dyes and binders.

**Our solution : Regenerative, plant-based and low chemical print paste formula**

We will develop and prototype a low-cost, low-water usage textile printing application that relies on highly renewable natural pigments.

With our collaborators, we will establish a plant-based, resilient, UK-based textile printing process to support the sustainable transition in our industry.


Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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