Advances in precision medicine for paediatric sleep disorders - Paediatric Advanced Respiratory Service (PARS) study

Lead Participant: ALTAIR MEDICAL LTD


This project aims to address an unmet need in paediatric respiratory and sleep diagnostics. It focuses on the development of PneumoWave's novel respiratory monitoring platform which will be tailored specifically for children. It combines wireless wearable biosensors, mobile 'App'-based software and Artificial Intelligence for non-invasive monitoring, enabling accurate detection of changes in the respiratory pattern which may indicate respiratory distress or apnoea. It will be an easy-to-use, low-cost device that can be worn every night at home, allowing the capture and real-time analysis of longitudinal respiratory physiological data, of a duration not possible with current gold standard diagnostic tests (polysomnography, cardio-respiratory polygraphy) which require overnight hospital admission and invasive equipment, poorly tolerated by children.

The device will be tested with patients undergoing routine sleep studies in collaboration with a specialist Paediatric Consultant in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde to demonstrate clinical proof of concept. Success will support future product validation in pivotal clinical studies, and Class 2 regulatory clearance in key global markets by 2027\.

Adoption of the solution in paediatric sleep diagnostics, driven by demand for improved diagnostic accuracy in sleep disordered breathing and shift towards telemedicine in paediatric respiratory medicine and clinical care, creates significant value across healthcare systems globally, including:

* Substantially increasing disease management options for children, addressing current unmet data gaps causing suboptimal diagnostic decision making.
* Creating a new market for low-cost longitudinal data capture to monitor disease progression and identify novel digital biomarkers for precision medicine approaches and the development of tailored treatments not currently possible in paediatric respiratory disease.
* Future development of real-time adverse event detection and alerting. All of which can be achieved with simple app updates for existing patients with no requirement for hardware updates.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ALTAIR MEDICAL LTD £650,728 £ 455,510




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