QUARREFOUR - Benchmarking Multi-core Quantum Computing Systems

Lead Participant: NU QUANTUM LTD


Quantum Computing (QC) will offer societal benefits through solving intractable problems across multiple scientific domains. The motivation for this project is to tackle the industry's biggest challenge: scaling.

It is increasingly recognised that _useful_ QC can only be delivered by networking together multiple QC nodes into a larger (data-centre-scale), more performant and better Error-Corrected computing service. There is an urgent business need to architect and deliver a solution for effective networking of QCs - photonic networking being the most promising route, relevant to all qubit types.

In this project, we will respond to the challenge of charting a path towards Distributed QC (DistQC) by modelling the performance of a Distributed QC, developing benchmarking protocols, and reviewing and refining the logical process that affect performance.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NU QUANTUM LTD £449,172 £ 314,420




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