Thermographic Survey Automation

Lead Participant: MAESIN LTD


Maesin and iRed are collaborating to develop software that automates and augments thermal imaging surveys using data collected by certified thermographers. Our solution will address the demand for thermographic surveys to understand heat loss in existing residential buildings in the UK. Benefits include: saving time in the assessment of building fabric performance, enabling thermographers to carry out more surveys more rapidly to meet the overwhelming demand; standardisation of surveys; and increased trust between thermographers, building owners, building occupants, local authorities and builders. Thanks to our software's ability to automate the application of consistent assessment procedures on thermographic data, surveyors are able to demonstrate a meaningful comparison of building fabric performance before and after renovations, giving building owners the confidence to undertake measures to improve building fabric performance.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MAESIN LTD £112,845 £ 78,991


IRED LIMITED £106,741 £ 74,719


10 25 50