The platform to unleash the transformative potential of integrated photonics

Lead Participant: WAVE PHOTONICS


Market deployment of integrated photonics is currently very limited due to its high development costs, expertise and time required to create a product and take it to market. Wave Photonics (WP) is a platform based on a core computational design technology that enables designers to take products from ideas to reality using pre-designed, adaptable components and integrations with packagers and other service providers. It is based on in-house developed IP protected by trade secrets and implies a paradigm shift in the Integrated Photonics design process, allowing for the first time: • A new way to characterize and model a fabrication process • A computational optimization method for multiple materials, processes, and wavelengths Wave photonics will enable optimal design and automated testing of components adaptable to new wavelengths or materials sensitive to process variation, reducing the engineering cost and timescale by at least €500k-€2M and two years respectively.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WAVE PHOTONICS £1,932,422 £ 1,932,422




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