N2Vision+: A robot-enabled, data-driven machine vision tool for nitrogen diagnosis of arable soils

Lead Participant: AUTODISCOVERY LTD.


Increasing crop productivity while minimising resource use and environmental impact is a global challenge for food production. Among all farmer-controlled input factors, Nitrogen (N) has the second-largest impact on crop growth after water, and arable soils are a predominant source of N in many cropping systems. Optimal N fertilisation can increase crop production and enhance soil fertility. On the other hand, high N inputs are costly for farmers and result in reductions in plant biodiversity, pollution of natural ecosystems and increases in emissions of the potent greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. UK farmers currently spend £1.345 billion on fertilisers, often applying excessive N due to the lack of precise information about soil N levels.

Driven by the needs of the growers, our previous feasibility project (N2Vision), addressed this challenge by developing a non-destructive robot-enabled AI vision system for automated N diagnosis in plants and soil (TRL 5). This system automatically collected data using a mobile robot with image cameras and intelligently diagnosed crop and soil N levels using AI algorithms. Initial assessments showed potential cost reductions of 27%, increased farm profitability by 17%, and emission savings of 65% compared to current practices. To make this technology practical for farmers and further advance its adoption, we aim to raise its TRL and move closer to commercialization.

Building upon our N2Vision innovations, our follow-on project, N2Vision+, aims to develop a commercial product for automated soil nitrogen monitoring at a higher TRL. We will enhance our existing innovations by adding optional modular sensors like 3D mapping (360-degree) and soil probes, enabling cost-effective data collection and scalable N monitoring. Additionally, we will conduct field trials to simulate robotic foliar nitrogen application, potentially reducing N usage and costs.

This precision agriculture solution will revolutionise food production by optimising N use, increasing farm profitability, and contributing to net-zero emissions. It offers early detection of crop and soil N levels, precise information on N use efficiency, and soil quality assessment, positioning UK precision agriculture technologies at the forefront of new industries and driving economic growth in the UK.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AUTODISCOVERY LTD. £190,662 £ 133,463




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