SSTT - Next Generation Material Development



SS Tube Technology designs and manufactures metallic based exhaust and insulation products for the m/sport and energy markets. Current Insulation products are heavy, have temperature limitations and costly to produce. SSTT sees an opportunity to overcome these problems by developing a commercially available ceramic matrix insulation solution. This project will develop a lightweight insulation product with; operating capability above 1000degC, high structural performance, low thermal conductivity, processable under 200degC and all at a low cost. The product will be based upon a chemical composition part developed by a UK University , SSTT will work with the University to refine then tailor the manufacturing process to be suitable for commercialisation. The exploitation strategy will initially target SSTT's existing customers within the m/sport industry, allowing them to become more competitive within their category whilst addressing the longer term objectives that the industry must address. This will be achieved by improving waste heat recovery in turbo compounding systems where this heat is used to drive a generator. SSTT will also exploit synergies within the Automotive, Aerospace, Defence and Energy sectors, generating fuel savings and reducing carbon emmissions through improving turbo efficiency and optimising catalyst working temperatures. SSTT expects to generate additional sales of ~ £5m pa, create ~ 50 new jobs and increase the quantity of exports thanks to the innovative cost effective product.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SST TECHNOLOGY LIMITED £199,596 £ 119,758




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