SIGMA+ - Study of Industrial Gravity Measurement Applications

Lead Participant: RSK GROUP PLC


This project is a collaboration between RSK and the University of Birmingham (UoB) to carry out a feasibility

study identifying the potential of Quantum Technology (QT) gravity sensors in geophysical surveys for

environmental and engineering applications such as locating buried objects and finding sinkholes. This project

feeds directly into the development of the QT gravity and gravity gradiometer sensors to ensure they take

cogniscence of practical considerations in the harsh civil engineering environment. This study will expand on

the findings from the SIGMA project by focussing on the measurement and data handling challenges that have

been identified, the isolation of signals of interst from other variations in the shallow soil, and will make the

first ever QT gravity maps of the subsurface through careful field trials of prototype instruments. At the same

time it engages with future clients who will demand this technology to minimise their risk of unforeseen

ground conditions. SIGMA+ will provide a quantitative assessment of the potential real world capability of QT

gravity sensors and define a specification of capability for instrument manufacturers to strive for.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

RSK GROUP PLC £134,912 £ 67,456




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