Flock: A global, real-time drone insurance platform providing risk-assessed and customisable policies in an autonomous world

Lead Participant: FLOCK LIMITED


As drones are new and fast-growing market, insurers lack the historical data that would allow them actuarially quantify the possible losses, and therefore they are forced to guess the claims they will incur. This has a negative impact on the final users- the price is over inflated and simply based on market dynamics. In order for drones to fly safely, with minimal disruption and invasion of privacy, a technology is necessary that can identify, quantify and minimise risks and feedback this data to the user.

Flock solves this by meaningfully quantifying risk, and pricing per-flight policies accordingly. The riskier the flight, the more expensive it is, saving money for the safest users. This creates an incentive for safety, that brings wider benefits in the form of increased safety**.** ?Flock's? ??app? ?provides? ?drone operators? with ?a? ?map? ?of? ?their? ?local? ?environment;? ?drone? ?operators? ?can? ?use? ?the? ?app? ?to? ?identify the? ?potential? ?risks? ?around? ?them,? ?receive? ?real-time? ?weather? ?and? ?air traffic updates,? ?to better? ?understand? ?their? ?airspace? ?and? ?the? ?risks? ?their? ?drone? flight? ?poses to itself, the public (third parties) and property/infrastructure

By using data from constantly updating global APIs (satellite/weather/GPS/regulatory) and databases to accurately model the risk of each specific journey, Flock's real-time, high-fidelity risk mapping solution aggregates relevant environmental data at the point of take-off, combining this with drone specs and pilot information in order to accurately quantify the risk of any given drone flight. The result is the world's most advanced drone insurance platform, capable of distributing fully customised insurance policies to pilots in a matter of seconds, and for a small fraction of the cost of traditional annual policies. Pilots flying with Flock avoid prohibitively large up-front insurance costs, instead incurring costs only when they fly and easily transferring these costs to their customers if required.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

FLOCK LIMITED £496,343 £ 223,354




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