Walk3D - a Gait Analysis and Walking Re-training application to help Older Adults stay Active, Healthy and Independent.

Lead Participant: RUN3D LIMITED


"My vision is to bring 3D Gait Analysis technology from research into the 'real world' and to use it to support 'real people' to keep active. I recognised its potentiaI during my PhD and developed Run3D as a novel real-time 3D gait analysis and retraining platform to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries in athletes.

My vision for this award is to develop our 3D gait analysis platform for the orthopaedic medicine and rehabilitation sectors, focusing on older populations, where the need is greatest. It has been shown that physical activity is vital to keeping us healthy and mentally active throughout our lives and these enable us to be independent and enjoy our lives in whatever way we choose. We slow down naturally as we age, so it is even more important to maintain, or even increase, our physical activity in older age. However, there are 300,000 bone fractures per year associated with fragility and many of those affected never recover their confidence in walking or their independence. Walk3D will teach people to walk steadily and confidently after injury, operation or illness, enabling them to recover activity, independence and maintain a healthy life. We have interest from our Run3D customers in providing them with a bespoke walking gait analysis and retraining platform; this award will enable me to develop it ready for market launch and the support and mentoring package will give me the support to expand my business and succeed in the mass orthopaedic and rehabilitation markets.

I love to share my Run3D story to inspire others, both in STEM and business events, including Innovate UK 2017 conference, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) and the Said Business School, Oxford.

As a role model, I have a work-life balance despite my commitment to Run3D. I look after my young family at the same time as growing my company and I still run competitively at National Level: I represented Wales this year and I hold the buggy-marathon World Records for running a marathon whilst pushing a pram with baby on board."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

RUN3D LIMITED £49,915 £ 49,915




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