Expanding LightOx Probes capability through analytical methodologies and analysis to broaden customer base.

Lead Participant: LIGHTOX LIMITED


LightOx looks to advance the scientific field of biological imaging using fluorescence by developing novel agents that have intrinsic chemical properties for targeting cell subtypes and intracellular organelles. The experimental basis of this comes from a background of 15 years of research within university institutes and are now being undertaken by the company and in collaboration with other research institutes. The project has many possible outcomes and a level of uncertainty and risk associated with it. As we are fundamentally changing the chemical structure and electronic nature of these molecules there is no guarantee of success. We have shown this science is both novel and undiscovered through the publications presented this year and the granting of our patent portfolio, and as such we believe we have a niche area of development to work within.

By careful experimental design we have planned an over-arching R&D programme spanning the next two years that will allow us to investigate the relationships of our novel imaging agents in a variety of disease states and organisms including cancerous, mammalian, plant, fungal and bacterial species. We have developed over 130 imaging agents to date and have 3 chemical families. As part of this A4i project we will test selected probes from each family as agents for 2 photon biological microscopy. This imaging technique has many benefits over more conventional microscopy, including the use of light that is less toxic to biological samples and that can penetrate more deeply. The data arising from the collaboration between NPL and LightOx is essential to open new markets in this area. We are eager to partner with leading global institutes to investigate and de-risk our work. It is only with this unique mixture of people are we able to achieve our goals, and the fact we are able to publish and patent with peer review processes shows this work to be truly unique to our team.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

LIGHTOX LIMITED £41,603 £ 29,122




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