Diagnostic tool for the identification and quantification of Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN)


Globally, potato has proved a valuable and nutritious staple crop driving both food security and GDP growth. In Kenya, potato ranks second in importance, after maize, and approximately 800,000 people benefit directly from potato production. However, to date, there are several challenges facing potato production, including potato cyst nematode (PCN). PCN are tiny cysts containing hundreds of eggs that hatch into juvenile nematodes that attack roots, causing up to 80% yield loss. A recent survey in Kenya showed that PCN is widespread in the main potato growing areas, so potato farmers urgently need better diagnostic tools to detect PCN. The proposed project aims to develop a PCN Assessment Tool, based on volatiles, that will then be compared to conventional and novel analyses of PCN levels, using morphological analysis, next-generation sequencing and Matrix-Assisted Laser-Desorption and Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscopy. The outputs of the project will be of great benefit for potato farmers in Kenya, providing a quick, easy and cost effective PCN Assessment Tool. On-farm detection of PCN would aid farmers in agronomic decision making, thus leading to increased potato productivity, and greater uptake of crop rotation, which is currently lacking in Kenya


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