Trusted Ring Security for Mortello Devices

Lead Participant: METRARC LIMITED


This project will develop Metrarc's Trusted Ring cybersecurity technology implementation for the DSbD Mortello platform, to both evaluate the full stack design process as part of the project and investigate the suitability of this platform to further enhance the degree of security provided by the Trusted Ring technology. The Trusted Ring approach facilitates to establish trust and provenance in the identity and integrity of digital devices via their inherent physical and behavioural characteristics by creating a group of interacting devices that are linked in a secure manner thus establishing the Trusted Ring. This Trusted Ring is an additional security layer which enhances incumbent security systems that Metrarc has developed thus far and is so far targeted on traditional digital systems and IoT devices.

This project will address the holistic issue of security when connecting multiple devices and services utilising communication infrastructure. The proposed system will solve issues related to the trust and providence of the communication infrastructure / device interface, a lack of confidence in which may inhibit full utilisation of low resource digital devices and prevent the spoofing of such devices compromising users' confidential data. As the adoption of digital technologies expands, it becomes vital to build trust and confidence in the integrity of such technology. Metrarc has developed a novel technology for deriving encryption keys directly from the operating characteristics of digital systems, a unique and patent protected technology termed ICMetrics. This proposal will significantly enhance this already secure technology by allowing the range of devices participating in any interaction to vary, whilst still ensuring that it builds upon the security features of existing, practically employed systems and can integrate the new DSbD Mortello platform. The project will investigate the major case study area of connecting Mortello based digital devices to communication infrastructure and further integrate the verification process of a range of services which may be accessed via the communication infrastructure. The projects therefore aims to establish mutual trust between the devices, communication infrastructure and connected services via the Trusted Ring architecture.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

METRARC LIMITED £39,964 £ 39,964




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