Home-Based Flexible Demand Management H-BFDM

Lead Participant: PASSIV UK LTD


As a result of changing Government energy policy to tackle climate change DNOs expect to face growth in electricity demand. If this demand occurs at times of existing network peaks, DNOs face a difficult challenge of ensuring capacity without over investing in network reinforcement.
In addition to growing consumer demand for white and brown goods and growth in heat pumps and EVs, the uptake of distributed PV generation is placing further constraints on networks designed for smaller, one way loads. Unless consumer demands become more flexible, continuing reinforcement of the low voltage network will be an expensive reality of managing the distribution infrastructure.
UK Power Networks is examining with PassivSystems the feasibility of creating flexible demand from residential customers in order to reduce peak load growth and thereby reduce the need for traditional network reinforcement.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PASSIV UK LTD £92,119 £ 68,974




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