Low-cost Mid-Range 3D Scanner

Lead Participant: CADSCAN LIMITED


3D scanning is a fast and accurate way to measure and digitise physical objects. The market is growing quickly from $3.01 billion in 2013 to a projected $9.82 billion by 2018. Scanners that can capture larger objects and structures such are known as mid-range 3D scanners. These are used by a professionals in a variety of fields such as construction, engineering, architecture and gaming to generate 3D assets. However, high accuracy devices are very expensive, ranging from £15,000 for static tripod mounted and handheld systems to over £100,000 for automatic systems mounted on robotic arms putting them out of reach of small companies and prosumers.
We plan to assess the feasibilty of developing an innovative mid-range scanner based on a low-cost structured-light imaging system that uses powerful LEDs to project a pattern over a range of 1-3 metres.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CADSCAN LIMITED £33,300 £ 24,975




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