LettUs Grow Front-end Product Design

Lead Participant: LETTUS GROW LTD


LettUs Grow reduce the waste and carbon footprint of fresh produce by empowering everyone to grow delicious food at its point of consumption. We design intelligent soil-free growing platforms, to reconnect people with their food in a convenient and reliable way. Plug it in, add water, plant your seeds and let them grow. It is simple and efficient plug-and-play urban gardening for the modern lifestyle. Our key challenge is to develop a functional and powerful technology that works well and fits the lifestyle of our end user. We need significant investment in design to make the proposition as meaningful as possible to the right people. This grant will provide the capital and expertise necessary to design truly desirable products, enhancing the probability of business success for LettUs Grow.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

LETTUS GROW LTD £78,613 £ 55,029




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