Park and Charge


"The enclosed project is presented by a highly focused team of experienced experts in the field of EV charging and infrastructure. This team includes professionals from Local Authorities and Universities that have already completed significant trials and data gathering exercises to highlight the issues faced by EV charging and the infrastructure needed for mass adoption.

This team, including operators of parking and responsible for provision of EV charging, is frustrated with the difficulties associated electric vehicle usage and journey planning. Their vision is to create a smart infrastructure system that provides electric vehicle users with a ""Tinder or Airbnb style"" system for charging their car. This system, called Park and Charge, seeks to bring together the charging hardware technologies, parking availability and software that provides a complete end to end charging solution for electric vehicle owners limited by on street parking and charging availability. The solution would deal with all aspects of the vehicle charging challenge (real-time choice of charging sites, charge bay parking, live pricing, booking/billing from their car). The goal is to promote electric vehicle ownership and integrate electric vehicles into the wider transport and energy infrastructure.

The project is presented by two commercial providers of electric vehicle charging related hardware (Zeta) and software solutions (UI-UK) in collaboration with local government representatives (Oxfordshire County Council). With support from the local Universities to conduct User analysis and transport modelling. The project will focus on establishing the feasibility of providing a living laboratory electric vehicle charging demosnstrator in Oxfordshire and provide a crucial platform for the streamlining of the energy, urban and transport related challenges. The system will provide a solution that directly aids modal transport shift in one of the countries most challenging transport related regions."


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