NatureMetrics: Transforming Environmental Impact Assessment through eDNA Metabarcoding Sampling and Analysis

Lead Participant: NATURE METRICS LTD



Humans rely on biodiversity for survival, yet human activity (fishing, land reclamation, oil/gas exploration) is the number one cause for oceanic biodiversity decline \[NRDC, 2019\]. Data suggests that biodiversity also significantly influences the functioning of seagrass and mangrove ecosystems which provide food and habitat for fisheries, thereby affecting the livelihoods of many people living in coastal areas such as in Inhambane, Mozambique \[Duffy, 2006\]. Seagrass areas have decreased by 51% in areas of Mozambique over 21 years, affecting local communities livelihoods \[Bandeira, 2014; Nordlund, 2013\].

Current biodiversity measurement and assessment tools are either;

* limited in application and expensive, accessible only by the government, or companies with sufficient finance.
* Anecdotal information available from local communities, based on 'netting' (narrow scoped catch data) which lacks the scientific credibility to motivate regulatory change.

**Intentions/Activities and Outputs**

NatureMetrics is seeking to make eDNA monitoring commercially available for biodiversity assessments in developing countries such as Mozambique. The project aims to identify the feasibility of deploying what is already a successful process/solution in UK/Europe in developing countries to allow local communities, conservation organisations, government and big industry to evaluate biodiversity responses to industry impacts. The project will see the roll-out of the eDNA biodiversity measurement process in collaboration with local laboratories, communities and NGOs to better manage interventions and conservation initiatives.

NatureMetrics' cost-effective, low effort eDNA solution identifies and measures biodiversity levels in water systems. It delivers disruptive innovation by providing:

1. User-friendly sampling kits allowing aquatic biodiversity data to be collected by anyone, anywhere in the world
2. Standardised and validated laboratory workflows , optimised by NatureMetrics, which can be taught to regional partner laboratories
3. Probabilistic methods for assignment of taxonomy to ensure accuracy even when reference databases are incomplete


The simple sampling process stimulates job creation, and the project will promote training and skill sharing with local laboratories and universities in Mozambique. The data provided will identify and quantify the different species present, allowing for effective restoration and conservation policies to be implemented where required, and promote better measurement of biodiversity loss for corporate commitments. This will be particularly useful to Mozambique where natural gas projects are set to transform the economy, \[FT, 2019\] and where Environmental Impact Assessments will be a requirement of ongoing developments \[Rovuma LNG, 2019\]."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NATURE METRICS LTD £85,649 £ 59,954




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