Synalogik: Identifying and tackling Criminal Activist Finances (CAF) through investigation automation.


SYNALOGiK Innovative Solutions Limited is a UK based technology company, founded by experts in data science, intelligence, security and investigation. The company has a vision to tackle the increasing challenge of countering Criminal Activist Finances (CAF) through traditional banking, cryptoassets and internet activity across the UK and globally.
In collaboration with the University of the West of England, Synalogik seeks to develop a unique solution, at the cutting edge of revolutionary intelligence management, to automate the identification and detection of criminal activist finances in a matter of minutes as opposed to several hours or days of manual repository research. Through the development of the Scoutâ„¢ Platform there will be enormous savings in time and resources for law enforcement departments resulting in improved speed, productivity and operational effectiveness when dealing with criminal detection and prevention.
With current law-enforcement processes reliant on manual investigation, Synalogik provides a disruptive technology solution to a variety of commercial, intelligence, security, investigation and UK Government related challenges. Core to this is the automation of data analysis that draws intelligence on demand from disparate data sources, providing organisations with actionable intelligence in a fraction of the time and cost of existing approaches.
As a collaborative project Synalogik and the University of the West of England will focus on developing the capabilities of this technology, through cutting-edge R&D, integration expansion and testing of increased Platform functionality, operating over multiple UK and foreign datasets to better predict and identify criminal activist finances across private and public sectors. Additionally, Synalogik's limited secondary objective is to R&D integration models for the first international 'collaborative intelligence systems' used in the UK, Europe and globally specific to CAF.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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