Pulse VR

Lead Participant: TFWX LIMITED


It is important in today's uncertain world to look after yourself and protect your health and wellbeing. Pulse VR will provide users with an immersive virtual environment to practise mental and physical wellbeing. The aim of the project is to give users access to an engaging safe and inviting space even when real world limitations on social distancing are being encouraged by the UK government. Pulse VR will incorporate biometric data from wearable devices within a virtual reality setting to dynamically adapt the environment.

An initial version of Pulse VR will be made available for free to ensure a wide adoption of this app amongst our target market. We believe this acts in the social good. The app is designed to improve and help people manage their wellbeing.

Since the start of this project, Facebook have announced a major new initiative for supporting Virtual Reality. This initiative consists of next gen hardware, an aggressive pricing strategy, and a clear commercial objective to push VR to their worldwide audience. Pulse VR will be available through the Facebook/Oculus eco system as well as the Steam VR platform.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TFWX LIMITED £73,400 £ 73,400


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