Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Using Silicon Nano Drug BioCourier Optimized Using Deep Learning A.I,

Lead Participant: SISAF LTD



It has emerged through the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak that there is a significant need to have disease control tools that can be rapidly deployed in an emergency situation and an increased need to be able to rapidly repurpose existing drugs for new indications for a disease syndrome that induces a range of disease outcomes from mild to very severe.

**Drug delivery carrier technologies** can greatly enhance the performance of drugs, reduce the side effects of drugs, and allow less invasive drug delivery routes to be used (for example a tablet instead of an injection).

As we are in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic there is a vast amount of data being generated on the disease and the disease outcomes, trialling of different drugs and medical interventions. This makes interpretation of outcomes challenging and does not readily allow identificaiton of new disaese therapies. However artificial intelligence system can use algorithms to go through millions of data points to solve very specific problems.

Therefore in this project, studies will employ **deep learning artificial intelligence** in combination with a very specialised **drug delivery technology** to rapidly assess vast amounts of data to identify new relations ships between disease, drug delivery and they types of drugs being trialled in order to determine new products to focus on for full clinical development for intervention therapy for future COVID and related disease treatments.

**Main Areas of Focus**

This will be related to optimising drug delivery and drug targeting for more effective and safe therapies

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SISAF LTD £47,039 £ 47,039


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