
Lead Participant: SEEPER LIMITED


SeeMove is a gestural interface SDK which can see intricate detail from a distance, enabling
tracking of objects as well as people, whilst not being limited to the desktop, a specific
camera, operating system or device.
It is a next-generation middleware solution developed by experts from the games & camera
vision industries. It has the potential to transform the user’s relationship with their computers
across a range of industries, by giving programmers the tools to integrate a completely new
type of user interaction into their applications, utilising our advanced tracking engine. Built
with everyone in mind, seemove can be used with any operating system and nearly any
camera. We provide the toolkit, so end users can decide how, and what to make.
Using a range of supported depth-sensing cameras, SeeMove is unique in allowing users to
train the system to recognise any gesture, pose or object. These can then be turned into actions
within computer applications. The system is not limited to the desktop, a specific camera,
operating system or device. It can be trained for any number of new users, who can
personalise application responses to their own data and develop bespoke software. The more
the system gathers data the better it becomes at distinguishing between gestural input, making
SeeMove an adaptive application.
Seeper would like to release SeeMove as a Middleware product, allowing developers to create
their own experiments and applications. The range of different applications that will arise
shall depend on the developers who embrace the technology.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SEEPER LIMITED £47,140 £ 24,998


10 25 50