Intelligent Energy Storage - Proof of Concept

Lead Participant: PASSIV UK LTD


PassivSystems is the grateful recipient of a small TSB R&D Grant that is supporting current
desk research into the techno-economics of demand response technologies including energy
storage. Within this project we have been interviewing prospective partners in the end to end
supply chain & have identified a number of elements that underpin our prospective business
opportunity. One enabling technical element is the physical connectivity between the Passiv’s
platform & a battery assembly which works on behalf of the home & can be remotely
Our investigations have led to a synergistic relationship with a UK battery manufacturer
(Axeon) who are keen to pursue a similar path & recognise the benefits of partnering. This
has led to an exciting opportunity to demonstrate one key portion of a future demand response
offering – to connect electricity storage to Passiv’s architecture & show how it could be used
to provide flexibility to the grid without inconveniencing householders.
Our research to date has also identified two areas where this POC could form the basis for
future product development
- The first is grid constraints & issues surrounding frequency control on the electricity grid
when large volumes of renewable energy are incorporated. Energy storage can allow
households to become near-autonomous & provide more flexibility to the grid
- The second is Feed-In Tariffs being cut dramatically & with little notice. Our research shows
that up to 75% of PV generated electricity is exported. This electricity would be more
valuable to the householder if used on-site
This project will facilitate the integration of battery storage with the PassivSystems platform
& demonstrate its use in a home, in order to understand field performance. Analysis of the
results will determine the optimum size to maximise on-site energy use but minimise capital
costs. It will also explore how the controller, charger & the batteries themselves can be
developed cost effectively in volume.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PASSIV UK LTD £142,129 £ 85,200


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