ALPS - Accelerated Learning Platform for Schools


ALPS - Accelerated Learning Platform for Schools - is a digital-mentor and research resource which curates and promotes, in 'real time', the most up to date, best practice advice and research to ensure the rapid and effective continuing professional development (CPD) of Education Professionals. ALPS empowers teachers to increase their professional skills in a self-regulated, sustainable and 'Covid19-safe' way.
The DfE 'Teacher Standards' document (2011) eloquently explains the importance and integral role of professional requirement in education:-
"Teachers make the education of their pupils their first concern, and are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards of work and conduct. Teachers act with honesty and integrity ; have strong subject knowledge, keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up to date and are self-critical, forge positive professional relationships and work with parents in the best interests of their pupils."
ALPS therefore addresses the challenges introduced by COVID19 -- by enabling targeted and trackable professional development to take place online and by offering content-rich interactive engagement at a pace that can be managed by the education professional. It enables Schools to be fleet of foot in responding to changing staff development needs as well as giving them the ability to ensure their resource allocation is precisely directed where most needed.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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