KlikPower Precision measurements and scavenged energy for smart power networks


KlikPower is a project led by Create Innovation Solutions Ltd and supported by CREST at Loughborough University focused on the development and evaluation of a very low cost, remotely readable, non-invasive electricity substation monitoring sensor using an innovative and disruptive technology already proven at TRL3 (experimental proof of concept) level, leading to a practical pilot demonstrator (TRL6 -- technology demonstrated in relevant environment) to gain knowhow to turn this idea into a product. KlikPower sensors will form a network which will provide data and information focused on the business needs of UK distribution network operators and private network operators including rail companies, together with similar organisations in other countries who require cost-effectively obtained and timely data in order to more actively and efficiently plan and operate their networks in a far more uncertain world -- where there are large amounts of intermittent renewable generation, many electric vehicles (which may be consuming or providing power) and much weather dependent heating connected to low voltage electricity networks.

The KlikPower network has the potential to deliver data and information services at both lower costs and with more advanced functionality for both legacy and modern smart grid power distribution substations and cables enabling network operators to drive down their operating and capital costs to benefit customers whilst driving towards net zero targets.

There is a strong market pull for such a device from these sectors with a potential avalanche of applications driven by the need to facilitate active network management to provide real-time support for intermittent low carbon generation, electric vehicles, and decarbonised space and water heating -- all necessary to decarbonise the economy in line with the Government's Clean Growth Strategy and to meet the legal requirement to achieve net zero in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050\.

COVID19 has put immense pressure on almost all of the economy. As a result, many asset-based companies now have financial pressures, resource issues, operational restrictions changes to demand peaks and profiles and work backlogs. Additionally, there is a requirement to do more with existing infrastructure with fewer resources while improving sustainability and reducing carbon related emissions and minimising costs so as to limit the burden on energy and other users. A step change in operational strategies is needed to fulfil these requirements. KlikPower is directly focused on the achievement of this by providing systems that deliver a step-change.

Create Innovation Solutions Ltd. is an SME that specialises in scoping innovation and is working on this project with the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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