A project to develop an AI engine to automatically generate social commerce posts for retailers. This would allow a quick, easy and cost-effective way for retailers to achieve an online presence without prohibitive costs.

Lead Participant: RECKOON LIMITED


Founded by Priya Vrat Misra, Paul Briault and Nili Misra, Reckoon is a UK-based SME that intends to address the considerable issue currently posed by the high cost to retailers of maintaining a current social commerce presence. This issue has been aggravated further by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Offering backgrounds in technology innovation and an excellent sales record, the founders of this project intend to develop a product that provides retailers with an AI-based, cost-effective entry into the world of social commerce. In doing so, Reckoon proposes a year-5 post-project revenue of £195M/£855M.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

RECKOON LIMITED £97,030 £ 97,030


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